Tuesday, July 27, 2021

7.27.21 New adventures

With Mark on long term antibiotics and America steadily declining into socialism basic supplies are getting harder and harder to find. Now grocery store shelves aren't just bare they are cleverly rearranged and previous staples are no where to be found. Baking items have taken a hit, yeast and cooking spray are a few I have had a hard time finding these past few months. My mom has been working to master sourdough since the pandemic started over 18 months ago. Finally, I agreed to try to learn how to work with sour dough.
The first batch made with her was impressive. 

A major difference between sourdough and quick yeast is time. Sour dough just works slowly where rapid rise must be watched and moved along. Both have their place I like both breads now if I could get my sourdough to be that fluffy and perfectly textured! I love the waffles and pancakes someday I want to try the biscuits. I enjoy when I have time in the kitchen unfortunately the sheer demand lessens that joy. 
One night we had the opportunity to join our cousins for a swimming outing. We love summer birthdays as they are much more conducive to easy parties. After the cool swim we enjoyed the birthday girls favorite chili and cornbread. Yum. 

Addie really enjoys interacting behind the cameras She is able to discretely capture the action. I love the snaps she gets of the family showing us as we are. We are blessed to be able to gather together for occassions. We appreciate the effort and diversity of talents, opinions, and thoughts of each part of our family. We are lucky to have such great and interesting extended families as well. We are blessed. 

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