Monday, July 5, 2021

7.5.21 Sharing Flowers

For years I have been the grateful recipient of flowers at random times. A dear sister in our ward has cultivated, then arranged, and finally shared those flowers with sisters in our ward. This year her health has been more problematic than usual. One Sunday her husband said in passing you should come get some flowers they are just going to waste. I was excited we love to share flowers. Little did I know what he was offering. 
We arrived on a very windy afternoon. A big storm was forecasted and I was worried the flowers would be destroyed. WE got their to find the man in a lawn chair relaxing in the strong wind. He pointed to the sky drawing our attention to a struggling dragonfly. He said he had been watching the dragonfly struggle to move away but the air currents just kept him in the same spot. I marveled that this man noticed something so little. He related he had been up all night getting his hay baled so it would not be harmed by the storm. We moved on to see his wife. She was in the midst of her flower goodness. I was so impressed. 

There were magnificent blossoms everywhere. 

We gathered a bucket full and some vases and headed home slowly and carefully. At home we separated, trimmed, and arranged the stems. We then headed out to deliver to people she had requested and we had thought of. 

The younger kids get pushed aside or left at home a lot. With all the COVID stuff, heat, and limitations on attendance they stay home when I go. So this was a great time to get to go and see people. 

I am so thankful for the opportunity to go share happiness. I appreciate this dear sister sharing her many years of hard work. While I am not a gardener yet I can help and I can appreciate. I can share with my kids the joy of noticing others. I continue to be amazed how time works out if we just get out the door. We were able to do this another time and loved getting to visit with others. Life is good. 


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