Monday, July 12, 2021

7.12.21 My growing guys

Father's day ended with a dessert bar at my parents. Reed and Harold happened to be dressed pretty similar. I snapped a picture knowing that in two years Reed may be nearing how big Harold is. Reed is growing tremendously inside and out carrying so much farm responsibility this year. 

In preparation for the mission Harold practiced cutting his brother's hair and then tackled his own in the mirror. I think he did a great job! $15-$40 a month saved not having to go to a barber. 
Grandma Lasley has a dear friend who gifted Mark a puzzle table. This has been used through June as a fame board and a puzzle place. Apparently my children like the challenge of small similar colored pieces, I do not. I like watching them work together while I try to keep the little ones away from their progress. 

 Life rolls on we continue to try to learn what we need to know by the time we need to know it. We endure and we celebrate. Life is good. 

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