Friday, July 9, 2021

7.9.21 Farm work

One night early in June Greg took me and the boys to the pivot to fix some problems. The boys always love to go, and Merle cries often when he is left home. Their desire to be doing starts so early. 
Knee high by the 4th of July is so relevant in farming but I guess it depends on which knee you are measuring by. He loves being with the big guys. I'm so thankful he can be. 

Cleaning nozzles. 

We bought a fourwheeler in Utah in Novemeber. We haven't had time to go get it. Our horse hauler friend was passing through that state and picked it up literally and brought it our way. 

It traveled well in his hay rack. Getting it down was tricky especially since I, the novice, was at the controls while Greg helped lift it off the trailer onto the pallet the tractor was holding. 

Phew safely on the ground and now used all the time. 
Rarely the work kids take time to play or interact with Mark. Usually they watch a movie he has found. 
The next crew. They grow fast and slow. There are so many lessons and so much time to put into training up each child. I get weary and wonder are we doing the right things? Are we expecting too much are our priorities a mess? What are they taking from our home? Do they truly know we love them? I guess in the end they take what they want. I hope as their vision and experience broadens they come to understand in part why we chose what we did and why we lived as we do. There is a lot all the time- although I have a lot of pictures of rest- they are safe, sound, and loved. Life is good. 

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