Tuesday, July 6, 2021

7.6.21 Millie Baptism

Millie was baptized by Harold last Friday. The night definitely didn't go as I had planned or hoped but in the end it was all ok.
Millie is our #9. She is a sweet, smart, dependable girl. She likes to be silly sometimes but can be relied on to care for others, or do a job. 
She shared the evening with her friend from our ward Jolene or Jo-Jo. 
I had told my family that we were leaving at 6:15 so we would not be late. I had planned and thought we would actually make this goal. I started calling the workers at 5:45 asking for clean-up and come home. I called again at 5:55, 6, 6:10 and 6:15. They finally came home at 6:25. John and Harold cleaned up and we hit the road at 6:45. On the fast ride over the check engine light came on. We turned off the a/c rolled down the windows and hoped the car kept moving. We got to the stake center at 7:01 or so. Millie and Harold had their shoes off. We rushed to the clothes closet got the jumpsuit and changed. We snapped the above pictures and sped walked into the chapel. I apologized and the program began. It was so nice that the stake had everything handled. Millie was baptized by Harold and confirmed by her dad who showed up sometime during the program. 

My parents provided a pizza dinner later. We enjoyed a special evening where Millie continued on the covenant path making her first covenant with God. She is a sweet girl and will be blessed by this decision. I am thankful for her part in our family. 

Addie caught the beautiful sunset as we rode home making a quick detour to the grocery store to score some great deals on chicken and picnic supplies. Another step taken and memory made. We are blessed.

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