Thursday, July 8, 2021

7.8.21 Summer days

This was an ideal day. Greg was home for lunch and we took time to have ice cream cones. As usual his lap is full and he got pieces and parts of his meal with lots of hungry mouths intercepting his fork. 
Mark has a lot of surfing time and has found many interesting farm videos. He is sharing one with his dad. Mark misses time talking with his dad  while they work. 
Merle has also become a daddy's boy waiting up for him and demanding his ride while dad does pushups. 

Yet some nights are too late and Merle fell asleep on Greg's back. greg got through his entire set with the sleeping baby on his back. Late nights are the norm in June. 
Merle has one leg he turns out, this is called over-toenation. We tried shoes to see if that helped straighten his foot. Aren't those cute legs? Babyhood passes quickly. 
Mark and John are showing chickens at the fair this year they are handsome young men. 

Millie had a birthday and we had no candles the matches didn't work so well but I think she got to blow out 2 in the end. 
Lia likes ranch just like her siblings. We didn't eat much ranch when I grew up but man my family thinks its a staple food. 
The mess I came home too after one of my trips to town with Mark. 8 boxes of Mac and Cheese on the carpet. Legos galore. Ugh. Kid messes 19 years of kid messes. He and Afton cleaned it all up. I helped vaccum but they spent a few hours cleaning this and the storage room wehre more boxes were dumped out. 
So Lia and Man went outside to play in a puddle to cool off. Life is good with a sibling to share adventures. 
Livy lost another tooth and loves to paint. I bought her a paint by number picture and she is having a great time creating the picture. Painting is soothing. I was working on one as well but Addie took it over- she's doing a much better job. 

Mark down at the farm out of the house. My guys getting ready to work cows. It is not lost on my heart and mind that these moments are quickly coming to an end. 
A quick piano lesson Addie and Millie. It's only happened once. 
Afton found a use for morning glory. Millie suggested we plant some- all the older kids yelled no way! 
My side kick. 

 Summer is great time to imagine, play and work. We do it all everyday. We are blessed and we are thankful for our opportunities and challenges that bring life into perspective and challenge us to grow. Life is good. 

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