Tuesday, July 13, 2021

7.13.21 Mark's Progress

We had the long awaited much worried about bone doctor appointment last week. He left us in June thinking a bone graft might be our next step. Those were ominous words as that would be another lengthy hospital stay. Thus all of June Mark took handfuls of herbs, vitamins, and medicines. We were very careful that he did little. He slept in later, drank lots of water, and we prayed. A lot of people continue to pray for us. 
The night before the appointments we were both pretty wound up. Harold was going to come with us to shop for his mission in between appointments.
I must say Harold has a more diverse entertaining approach to sitting in waiting rooms. They watched several YouTube selections while we waited for almost an hour at the plastic surgeons office. The PA was impressed with the healing and we have a target date of August that Mark can get in a swimming pool. His leg is now completely closed no more bleeding or weeping. He still wraps the tender skin when he wears jeans but was instructed to open the site when just sitting doing school. 
After a very rushed but efficient shopping excursion, 1 suit, 2 slacks, several ties, and all his temple attire we were back at the doctor's. The worrisome doctor. Mark was x-rayed and we waited. We could hear the doctor he seemed to be in a good mood. He came in smiling and told us he was happy with what he say that the bone had started to heal. 

Broken bones are healed as the body creates a paste like cover of the hurt site. That paste calcifies into healing and hardens. This works from the outer part of the bone inside. We could just see the outside being outlined by that process!!! We were all smiles. 

The doctor also told Mark that he could walk. An after picture. The healing in one month is truly impressive the site went from white to this closed healthy pink. There is littler perforation left, the skin is thickening and becoming solid. The human body is truly miraculous. 

We were impressed with this X-ray and the fine filaments and floating things. We think it shows some of the attaching of his blood vessels and arteries. As one was hooked together with magnetic clips. And the thread was magnetic because the needle pulls it magnetically. 

So Mark moved from fast progress on one leg to cautious hobbling on two. 

We are so grateful for the skilled medical people, the faithful prayers, the medicines and herbs. Mark has also grow a couple of inches at least 2 in this time period. We know we are blessed and hope to remember the lessons this has offered. Life is good- even better on two legs. 


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