Friday, July 23, 2021

7.23.21 Temple

Life is moving very fast. We have 17 days until Harold starts his mission. This week we finally made it to the temple with him. As usual it was hectic and we were a bit late. Yet, the nice part of the temple is the peace that covers all the craziness going on outside the walls. I had worked with Harold going through the temple prep lessons trying to make sure he would be prepared. This coupled with the obligatory list of shopping for his mission and a rushed trip to Boise for things we couldn't order.
It was a parent pay-off experience to be in the celestial room with Harold. He was impressed with it all. We are thankful for all the family support that came to be with us that day. 
Grandma Lasley gave Harold Grandpa Lasley's temple bag. 

 Harold had a fun evening boating with these cousins a few weeks ago. He had an extra spot and invited them to come share. It was delightful to be surrounded by family in the temple. I'm thankful for the man he has decided to become. I'm nervous about the upcoming separation but I know he will learn a lot and come home even better. So we continue to march toward the big send off and pray that all will continue to go smoothly. Life is good.   

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