Sunday, October 31, 2021

10.31.21 Some more October

An important right of passage, the Drivers License. This process has gotten markedly easier through the years. Now if driver's ed is completed all you do is provide identification paperwork and money and voila you get a drivers license. So much less stress than in my day. John then chauvered me around. Minus Mark heckling him he did great and seems to be a careful driver. 
Later that night was the annual rival game. My attempt to capture John on the field. He played well. My photographer friend showed up shortly thereafter and saved me from these far away attempts. She does a great job. 
Lia cooking herself spaghetti. She figured this out all by herself. This is not how I cook spaghetti exactly, but it worked out and she was sure proud of herself for making what she wanted to eat. I have been gone a lot lately with big kid stuff the younger ones are doing well fending for themselves. There was a dinner made, shepherds pie, but the younger kids are much bigger fans of noodles and sauce. Since mom wasn't there to say no, that's what they made noodles with sauce. Ahh, independence is such a tricky thing. 
Life is good and it's not all bad to have some space to do what you want. Mom's can be such an inhibition to growing! I'm thankful all was well and for the many many hours Addie and Livy have taken very good care of their siblings. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

10.30.21 Carving Pumpkins

Halloween traditions demand action no matter what else is going on. These younger kids are definitely not phased by all the other big events this week. A few weeks ago we went to a very local pumpkin patch and selected a lot of pumpkins. When I thought we had enough we only had about 8 and with 12 kids at home I was short. Thus we kept hunting and picking and ended up with about 24 pumpkins. Addie was also taking them to a mutual activity. It was super nice to have Greg with us, he did the heavy lifting. Sot he pumpkins have set on our front lawn as decoration and more accurately a reminder of the fun to come. Bruce has been insistent that we get them carved!! I tried a few times but when kids utterly disregard anything I ask them to do and find other more interesting activities I wasn't about to break into this project. Yet, after a long day of travel to Boise and back the kids were ready to press their desires. Thus they brought in pumpkins and Reed broke out the saws-all to get started. 

These were thick pumpkins at least 3 inches on top. The saws-all is so efficient at getting an opening to scoop the pumpkin guts. That's a nice time eating project they all worked on for about half an hour. 
I sat with the girls one by one and carved the shapes where they described. I'm not as fancy or creative as my dad, but they had pumpkins that counted as carved when we were done. Livy did her own, and Reed carved for himself and Bruce. 

The flash took so long the kids that were cute 10 seconds before look askew in the final snap. Oh well, they were happy to be to this point. 

Greg was surprised when he came home a few hours later the pumpkins were still lit. The candles were down to the last bit of wax and wick but still emitting light to scare off bad things! This is a fun tradition I like it more with a little understanding of warding off the bad so the good memories and spirits of our beloved Ancestors can come to earth on November first. Isn't it funny how learning more can make things that were once so unfavorable actually a good thing? Now to find costumes for everyone. We are not fancy nor are we most creative but we will probably be a step above sheets on all... maybe. Life is good. 

10.30.21 Friday Night Lights

This week has been so full but I wanted to get this memory down before I forget completely. The big rivalry was almost the last game of the season. This is not one to miss there are family cousins friends employers and employees on opposing sides of the field on this night. The weather we have been praying for showed up this day and the ground was a very uncommon wet and muddy. This did not help the players much but we were sure thankful for the much needed rain after very little heavenly moisture for over a year. 
Due to the wet conditions a senior and starting lineman twisted his body one way and his knee another. He was out of the game. John was pulled off the sideline and thrust into the game. Here the head lineman is giving John last minute instructions. 
My niece was a princess. My thoroughly soaked extended family left before John's grand entrance in the fourth quarter. An exciting night. 
After a hard fought battle our team kept the coveted wagon wheel that denotes who wins the game each year. 
The after game circle where the coach congratulates the players and gives them a pep talk. I can vouch that John's jersey had grass, mud, and blood stains on it. It was that kind of game. 
The seniors with the injured player after the game. He won't be playing again this year. These are great leaders they are positive they work hard and they are good guys to boot. I'm thankful my guys have stayed healthy. Photo credits Meshell Schaffeld. She is so good to capture the season with her great view and fast camera. 
This was a nice evening to spend time visiting with friends and having a date with my husband. This has been a great growing experience for John and a very hopeful chance to go into the playoffs. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

10.29.21 Anna Send off

This has been a hard send off.  Fresh from sending Harold on his mission and adjusting to life without one key player has been hard. Not impossible but harder. With Anna this is emotionally harder. Anna has been a real stabilizing force through the ups and downs of big family life. She knows how life rolls here she has kept it going and having her gone for 18 months is really hard. She is ready to go and mature enough for the break, I guess it's me who's not ready. The kids were on their way on to their own adventures. These pictures made me cry it's hard not to think about how much life is going to pass before we get to be together again. 

A little later the younger or at home set posed with her. These little ones won't remember her much being an oldest I know the loss of unity with the younger ones. She has nurtured them a lot and been a special big sister. 

And yes at this point I was crying.
A final hug from grandma and Becca. 
The next day a quick visit with Aunt Natalie and Brooklyn. 
A sweet lunch reunion with an older generation of cousins the Lundbergs, Jani Perry, and Aunt Gwen. 
And yes choked up again knowing we were almost done with this ordeal. 
And after. This time we were directed to the parking garage. A sweet sister came and took Anna through the doors I cried and she cried a bit. Man it's hard to let them go. On our way home the day was so beautiful. My great grandmother always spoke with great love and pride of the Utah mountains. The slight dusting of snow and the brilliant big blue sky made for a perfectly picturesque day. 

 I'm so thankful Greg went with me. This gets better. I have no doubt she will be excellent and this will be for her betterment. I'm pretty confident we will all be ok. Life is good even when challenging. On to the next thing. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

10.28.21 Train em' Young

It's been a tough week with the big kids being gone. I've been worried about how we will keep up and how much work this is going to require of me. I was out hanging up laundry and man came with me. He spotted the calf was out and grabbed a stick and started toward it because he knew where it should be and how to get it there.  I thought it was bold and cute. Following is the process. 

Later in the day we had another opportunity. A recent widow called and asked if we would come clean up her yard from the recently fallen walnuts. I said yes of course but wasn't sure when we would squeeze it in. The kids were rambunctious today so we went to pick up walnuts. At first the job seemed huge but everyone worked well. This is new team. Livy, Millie, Afton, Bruce, Lia, and Mr. Jack. I started helping but my job of hauling the walnuts to the garbage worked me pretty good. We filled a green trash can with trash. The kids had the job done in half an hour. The widow paid them very handsomely. Bruce was seriously sad that it was only one bill and not some for all of them. The widow suggested we share it or donate it to Anna's mission. I said how about we go get ice cream and then give the rest to Anna. The kids were happy with that compromise. 

We also picked up some fallen apples. With the apples were wasps. I thought we were wasp free but a few minutes into our trip to the store for ice cream when Bruce started crying and stomping the car seat. A wasp had bit him. Livy went back and squashed a few more with a pill bottle. We got our ice cream and came home. 

I'm thankful for opportunities to work. It's fun to earn money. I'm thankful for the growth these kids are showing. All's well that ends well and example is a powerful teacher. We are blessed with a good life. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

10.24.21 Farewell So Long Happy Birthday

We don't like to do anything by half's so Anna's farewell day was jam packed and full of friends, family ,and ward member well wishers. She spoke on focus and direction. She did a great job. All comments were "You will be a great missionary." She is ready for this and will do a great job and learn a lot in the process. Her great friend from college and work this fall the Atkinsons, Sydnee and Cindy. The power of good friends and shared life experience. How thankful we are for these great women in her life. 
The grandparents. They have shaped and loved her so much. She lived with my parents during the harvest and is experiencing home MTC with Greg's parents. She loves and has a personal relationship with each one. We are blessed by those interactions. 
A few hours later we had a birthday party for Megan and John the big 16th year. Thanks to Aunt Annie for planning the party. 

These two follow the family tradition of chocolate is best. Chocolate cake and chocolate brownies. 
The best part about birthday parties is we all share in the goodness. 

I'm thankful Addie will take the pictures. I'm thankful for the family we get to grow up with. The kids disappeared into piles of leaves. The older ones visit and share life stories. The adults do the same. Pleasant shared Sunday evenings are the best. Life is good.