Sunday, October 24, 2021

10.24.21 Farewell So Long Happy Birthday

We don't like to do anything by half's so Anna's farewell day was jam packed and full of friends, family ,and ward member well wishers. She spoke on focus and direction. She did a great job. All comments were "You will be a great missionary." She is ready for this and will do a great job and learn a lot in the process. Her great friend from college and work this fall the Atkinsons, Sydnee and Cindy. The power of good friends and shared life experience. How thankful we are for these great women in her life. 
The grandparents. They have shaped and loved her so much. She lived with my parents during the harvest and is experiencing home MTC with Greg's parents. She loves and has a personal relationship with each one. We are blessed by those interactions. 
A few hours later we had a birthday party for Megan and John the big 16th year. Thanks to Aunt Annie for planning the party. 

These two follow the family tradition of chocolate is best. Chocolate cake and chocolate brownies. 
The best part about birthday parties is we all share in the goodness. 

I'm thankful Addie will take the pictures. I'm thankful for the family we get to grow up with. The kids disappeared into piles of leaves. The older ones visit and share life stories. The adults do the same. Pleasant shared Sunday evenings are the best. Life is good. 

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