Tuesday, October 5, 2021

10.5.21 Life around here

Bruce got nerf guns for his birthday he was happy to share with Man. Man was thrilled to play with Bruce. Although he couldn't make the gun shoot, he quickly figured out what was suppose to be happening and would hold and aim appropriately. 
Anna home for Sunday. She works hard all week and takes time to love on Merle while she can. 
He was sampling my attempt of sourdough based cinnamon rolls. He was not complaining and thought they were just fine. 
He loves to play! These three are so busy one minute great buddies the next making each other cry. 
We were asked to fast for a cousin having medical problems on Sunday. There are so many food traditions connected to general conference this was pretty hard. I was super proud of all the kids for making it to the end of the second Sunday session. We have not been strict fasters here so this was a really long time. I was very proud of Livy for sticking it out. Thus when the meetings were over they were able to have the traditional cold cereal mix they missed at breakfast. 

 Merle and Reed look so similar to me. I love how Reed quietly takes on life and whatever he's asked to do. He is mostly gentle with this little brother and is considerate taking care of him when he's around. I'm a blessed mom. 

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