Saturday, October 30, 2021

10.30.21 Carving Pumpkins

Halloween traditions demand action no matter what else is going on. These younger kids are definitely not phased by all the other big events this week. A few weeks ago we went to a very local pumpkin patch and selected a lot of pumpkins. When I thought we had enough we only had about 8 and with 12 kids at home I was short. Thus we kept hunting and picking and ended up with about 24 pumpkins. Addie was also taking them to a mutual activity. It was super nice to have Greg with us, he did the heavy lifting. Sot he pumpkins have set on our front lawn as decoration and more accurately a reminder of the fun to come. Bruce has been insistent that we get them carved!! I tried a few times but when kids utterly disregard anything I ask them to do and find other more interesting activities I wasn't about to break into this project. Yet, after a long day of travel to Boise and back the kids were ready to press their desires. Thus they brought in pumpkins and Reed broke out the saws-all to get started. 

These were thick pumpkins at least 3 inches on top. The saws-all is so efficient at getting an opening to scoop the pumpkin guts. That's a nice time eating project they all worked on for about half an hour. 
I sat with the girls one by one and carved the shapes where they described. I'm not as fancy or creative as my dad, but they had pumpkins that counted as carved when we were done. Livy did her own, and Reed carved for himself and Bruce. 

The flash took so long the kids that were cute 10 seconds before look askew in the final snap. Oh well, they were happy to be to this point. 

Greg was surprised when he came home a few hours later the pumpkins were still lit. The candles were down to the last bit of wax and wick but still emitting light to scare off bad things! This is a fun tradition I like it more with a little understanding of warding off the bad so the good memories and spirits of our beloved Ancestors can come to earth on November first. Isn't it funny how learning more can make things that were once so unfavorable actually a good thing? Now to find costumes for everyone. We are not fancy nor are we most creative but we will probably be a step above sheets on all... maybe. Life is good. 

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