Saturday, October 30, 2021

10.30.21 Friday Night Lights

This week has been so full but I wanted to get this memory down before I forget completely. The big rivalry was almost the last game of the season. This is not one to miss there are family cousins friends employers and employees on opposing sides of the field on this night. The weather we have been praying for showed up this day and the ground was a very uncommon wet and muddy. This did not help the players much but we were sure thankful for the much needed rain after very little heavenly moisture for over a year. 
Due to the wet conditions a senior and starting lineman twisted his body one way and his knee another. He was out of the game. John was pulled off the sideline and thrust into the game. Here the head lineman is giving John last minute instructions. 
My niece was a princess. My thoroughly soaked extended family left before John's grand entrance in the fourth quarter. An exciting night. 
After a hard fought battle our team kept the coveted wagon wheel that denotes who wins the game each year. 
The after game circle where the coach congratulates the players and gives them a pep talk. I can vouch that John's jersey had grass, mud, and blood stains on it. It was that kind of game. 
The seniors with the injured player after the game. He won't be playing again this year. These are great leaders they are positive they work hard and they are good guys to boot. I'm thankful my guys have stayed healthy. Photo credits Meshell Schaffeld. She is so good to capture the season with her great view and fast camera. 
This was a nice evening to spend time visiting with friends and having a date with my husband. This has been a great growing experience for John and a very hopeful chance to go into the playoffs. 

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