Saturday, October 23, 2021

10.23.21 School Functions

Getting to go to school is not something we take lightly anymore. There are lots of annoying rules and regulations no one likes but there is still a lot of good to be had participating in the socialization that is school. A few weeks ago we went to the National Honor Society induction. Aliza is the treasurer. She has such a commanding presence towering over almost everyone there in her heels and standing 6'2". We love watching her shine. 

It was a nice semi-normal evening. Nice to visit with friends and community members. Nice to commemorate hard work and endurance. Nice to be together. Greg came with me! 
This week the elementary school kids hosted a school carnival because the annual one connected with harvest fest was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. The kids had a lot of fun with this modified plan. Addie was a co-chair and did a great job organizaing and leading the event. 
Afton with a friend. She just loves the independence of school. I love that she is having such a great time. 
One of the perks of our grade school is the rewards. There are lots of incentives for working hard. Bubbles were the prize this day. Merle was having so much fun playing in the bubbles. The girls were kind to share with him. 
Although we chafe at the restrictions and don't like the implications of all the mandates we are truly blessed by experiences that continue in spite of the changes. We are thankful for opportunities to become and to work hard. It adds to our home as we stretch in so many directions. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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