Thursday, October 28, 2021

10.28.21 Train em' Young

It's been a tough week with the big kids being gone. I've been worried about how we will keep up and how much work this is going to require of me. I was out hanging up laundry and man came with me. He spotted the calf was out and grabbed a stick and started toward it because he knew where it should be and how to get it there.  I thought it was bold and cute. Following is the process. 

Later in the day we had another opportunity. A recent widow called and asked if we would come clean up her yard from the recently fallen walnuts. I said yes of course but wasn't sure when we would squeeze it in. The kids were rambunctious today so we went to pick up walnuts. At first the job seemed huge but everyone worked well. This is new team. Livy, Millie, Afton, Bruce, Lia, and Mr. Jack. I started helping but my job of hauling the walnuts to the garbage worked me pretty good. We filled a green trash can with trash. The kids had the job done in half an hour. The widow paid them very handsomely. Bruce was seriously sad that it was only one bill and not some for all of them. The widow suggested we share it or donate it to Anna's mission. I said how about we go get ice cream and then give the rest to Anna. The kids were happy with that compromise. 

We also picked up some fallen apples. With the apples were wasps. I thought we were wasp free but a few minutes into our trip to the store for ice cream when Bruce started crying and stomping the car seat. A wasp had bit him. Livy went back and squashed a few more with a pill bottle. We got our ice cream and came home. 

I'm thankful for opportunities to work. It's fun to earn money. I'm thankful for the growth these kids are showing. All's well that ends well and example is a powerful teacher. We are blessed with a good life. 

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