Tuesday, October 12, 2021

10.12.21 Days go By

Bruce came to me one night saying he looked like Peabody. Being an ignorant mom I had to look that up

I agree I think he does. We are not getting a dog anytime soon. But Bruce is pretty cute.
The girls completed their first painting of fall art class.

Addie has been running and running. She will really miss cross country. She placed a heart breaking second to this lady from Weiser. Addie was late and left behind. She had to run a race worth of distance in the 20 minutes before the race and still had enough to place 2nd. 
While doing school one day the kids looked out and saw this awrnry calf in the forbidden area. Thankfully the calf likes apples and they were able to lure it to safety without getting hurt. 

Everyday several times a day this heifer is put back in her cold fence pen. It gets the kids outside. One thing about animals is the constant need for attention. Time keeps rolling by lots of responsibilities, frustrations, and expectations. I'm thoroughly sick of October and it's only just begun. I sincerely hope the month improves shortly. On a bright spot we did pick apples today it's a special place where I spent many hours with a dearly departed friend for many years. Funny what triggers memories, and how fast life moves on. 

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