Friday, October 29, 2021

10.29.21 Anna Send off

This has been a hard send off.  Fresh from sending Harold on his mission and adjusting to life without one key player has been hard. Not impossible but harder. With Anna this is emotionally harder. Anna has been a real stabilizing force through the ups and downs of big family life. She knows how life rolls here she has kept it going and having her gone for 18 months is really hard. She is ready to go and mature enough for the break, I guess it's me who's not ready. The kids were on their way on to their own adventures. These pictures made me cry it's hard not to think about how much life is going to pass before we get to be together again. 

A little later the younger or at home set posed with her. These little ones won't remember her much being an oldest I know the loss of unity with the younger ones. She has nurtured them a lot and been a special big sister. 

And yes at this point I was crying.
A final hug from grandma and Becca. 
The next day a quick visit with Aunt Natalie and Brooklyn. 
A sweet lunch reunion with an older generation of cousins the Lundbergs, Jani Perry, and Aunt Gwen. 
And yes choked up again knowing we were almost done with this ordeal. 
And after. This time we were directed to the parking garage. A sweet sister came and took Anna through the doors I cried and she cried a bit. Man it's hard to let them go. On our way home the day was so beautiful. My great grandmother always spoke with great love and pride of the Utah mountains. The slight dusting of snow and the brilliant big blue sky made for a perfectly picturesque day. 

 I'm so thankful Greg went with me. This gets better. I have no doubt she will be excellent and this will be for her betterment. I'm pretty confident we will all be ok. Life is good even when challenging. On to the next thing. 

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