Thursday, October 21, 2021

10.21.21 Activity Days

I am currently serving as the primary president in our ward. We do not have a large ward and with the worries of COVID, age, and other normal challenges in a ward we don't have a lot of people. Therefore, my counselor and I work to put on activity days for the children. Activity Days is the replacement for cub scouts. My heart grows each week for those dedicated leaders who corralled, taught, and entertained my sons for years. That program had a lot of great organization and best of all ideas! 
We are working to find our grove with Activity Days. Last week after a few months off we were going to have an activity. I had one plan but changed it the day of with something I thought would be better.
We hurried through school to go to get the supplies. 
Purdums is always fun seeing the various vegetables and wide selection of produce. The kids liked this funny picture of corn.

My friend was done with her garden and offered to let us come pick flowers to share. 
The kids made bouquets to share with widows in our ward. I thought this would take longer than the five minutes. But the made some pretty flower arrangements and moved on. 
The next activity was decorating pumpkins. We split the groups into boys and girls. Being just the two of us we have to improvise a bit. The end of the project was each child shared their pumpkin and bouquet with a widow in the ward. They each delivered them to someone who lived near them. We had such a good time doing this after the activity. I love watching my kids share and serve they come back to the car very smiley!
After the craft part the kids played musical chairs. My friend played lively Irish Jigs. I love the innocence and fun of the kids they were dancing around and having a good time. Reed won the first round. 

We started the evening with a planning session. I loved the ideas the kids came up with. This is how the program is suppose to work the kids tell us what they want to do and we work to figure out how to make it happen. I've found with our kids that we need at least 3 activities they are quick and they like to do some kind of physical game. 
I've learned a lot working with them. And I'm thankful for the chance to observe their sweet spirits and how they interact. 

Speaking of interactions I found this picture from transfer day. the one in the gray sweater with glasses was Harold's trainer and first companion. I'm not sure who the other missionaries are but he now has new companions and continues learning missionary life.

Time goes so fast it wasn't long ago Harold was the happy cub scout having a great time with his peers and leaders. Now he's on his own and doing well. I'm thankful for inspiration, a fabulous co-leader, and the willing kids. We are blessed for our efforts. Life is good. 

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