Friday, October 22, 2021

10.22.21 Something New and end of the races

We have had a few changes to life this year. Of late I've felt like we are on one big hamster wheel just doing the same things over and over again. Yet sometimes I change things up a bit. Addie had her last race a few hours away from here. I know it's important to her that we see what she is doing. Thus we made a very unusual effort and headed for a long drive to see her run. The kids are not use to riding in the car for more than an hour. I'm not use to taking them all but we did it and we all survived!
We hurried and packed a lunch jumped in the car complete with books and stroller and headed out. the kids enjoyed the new scenery. We made it just in time to see the runners on the course. The kids played with the cutest little corgi puppy right after this picture. The runners were literally crossing right in front of us. It was good to be there to cheer them on. We had to park about 1a mile away then hike to the race. 
Addie coming into the finish line. She was number 5 overall, boys and girls ran together, and 2 girl. 
We then went on a nature walk after she was finished and recuperated a bit. When she finishes she almost collapses. We helped her get away from the finish and get some water. She recovers pretty quick but it's nice to be the one to hold her as she re-groups. 

We haven't been in the forest much. The kids enjoyed finding moss, pinecones, and sticks. As always everything is an adventure. It was a beautiful day. Sometimes there is snow, sometimes it is miserable mud, but this year it was just beautiful.
Addie and Megan. 

Addie and good friend Claire. 
Afton and Claire with her treasures from our hike.
Best buddies Alia and Addie. 
Addie and Duncan. The same Duncan who helps us with chickens at the fair. This is Addie's training partner. He is a very nice young man, we all really like Duncan. 

Greta, Addie, and Wyatt. Wyatt pushes Addie he is the fastest on the boys team. She's had a good time interacting with different kids than just those in her school class. She has gained confidence as she has pitted herself against herself and against others. She has not been found wanting. 
The awards assembly. We saw this gorilla suited person when we got to the meet. I was so worried they were going to be placed strategically to scare the runners. Thankfully they did not. I'm not sure what the purpose of the costume was but such is October. Addie got a water bottle as her prize for second. 
The third place girl was also named Addie. I love how my Adelaide goes and meets each other top finishers at the races.

 Another day in the books. We drove home and worked on the normal Saturday responsibilities. It was good to get away and good to take a break. I'm pleased with the growth Addie has achieved and the dreams it's sparked in some of the other kids here. Life is good. 

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