Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1.25.22 Western Ag Fair

Its a rare occasion that we are able to pry Greg out of our hometown especially during daylight hours. Yet, there is one event he really enjoyed as a kid and has a pretty agreeable disposition towards sharing with his children these days. The Western  Ag fair. This year I wasn't feeling quite up to walking all over and we had some pretty big and necessary dental appointments. Addie went very much against her will but she still managed to capture these great pictures of her siblings enjoying the day. She was a good sport and did three rounds of the entire fair while her dad talked at a few booths. One thing about Addie she is a get in and get it done kind of person. 

Mark and Aliza made alternative plans if somehow Greg was not able to go. They were both really into getting to attend the show. 

Alas the fun and sight seeing was over and super Addie herded everyone to the car to wait for over and hour for dad. Like I said she is efficient. Of course in the waiting Merle man had an accident he must have a heavy head, and got another flesh wound. He will heal I'm sure. 
Lia had her first fillings today she was really brave and did great as long as she could see the cartoons. I love how gentle and patient our dentist is. We give him lots of work and he does a good job with our cavitity prone teeth. 
The guaze is our attempt to not eat the inside of the cheek while still numb. She has some chewing but not too bad I hope. 

More fun with Addie. She truly is really patient and fun with the younger kids. She is such a dynamic piece of our family. As is this lady who loves to pose and does what she wants as she wants. 
And poor Millie had two teeth extracted. The same two I had probably around the same age. We let hers stay a little too long and now she has a big kid retainer to pull two teeth forward that were locked behind them. 

 My mom always got us milkshakes after major dental work so we went and got milkshakes too. Life is good if uncomfortable some days. We are blessed every way we turn. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

1.24.22 Setting Goals

 This weekend we had stake conference almost 5 complete hours dedicated to the children and youth program. The speakers elaborated at length on the need to teach our children to set goals so they can ultimately become familiar and comfortable with receiving inspiration and inviting the Savior Jesus Christ into their lives daily. I'm happy to report I managed to sit through the 5 and a half hours of talks and was able to walk unassisted away from the meetings. I'm also happy to report that we got to work on the doing part of the goals tonight. After much resistance and out loud pondering why my children choose to be we don't want tos, as compared to the I want to do everything on display today, we got some forward momentum. 

Reed and Livy cooking scones requested by Mark. I was impressed Reed did most of the instructing. I made the dough and the maple frosting. Reed made the buttermilk syrup and did 75% of the cooking showing Livy what to look for and how to proceed. One of the speakers suggested kids learn how to make toast and or their favorite meals. So Mark learned more about spanish rice preparation and Reed continues to make whatever is asked. Millie is pretty good with salads. 

We realized as we did the calendar for the week that this was in fact speech week. Thus the boys were rounded up and instructed to start writing and memorizing. Aliza had a thought and just needed time and ears to help her refine her thoughts. She is a whiz with words. It is truly amazing to hear her brain at work. 

Ahhh the easy little ones. I mean there's all the training and tolerating but sometimes in perspective they are just pleasantly easy. 
John is speaking on technology. I finally took to the keyboard and tried to type fast enough to catch his thoughts. He is witty and thinks big thoughts now to convince him to speak slowly and put some heart into representing himself. Mark is working with our super coach Addie on the Creed.

She is tough and exacting. I'm still able to prompt when he gets stuck. He should do really well on questions as he knows and loves ag. They ask why we make them do this, why does it matter? Speaking is an art that is used throughout life. Good speaking is pleasant and welcome. Lack of confidence and organization is painful and looses the intention quickly. I'm thankful for the structure of FFA that allows kids to grow and become confident, interesting, and able to articulate their thoughts and passions. We continue to work to develop skills and abilities.
 I swear my teenagers lie awake at night dreaming up ways to be contrary as they are so quick to find opposition to anything I offer. From whole wheat flour vs. white flour, to opportunities or jobs. 

Greg to John- I'm impressed with how well you have pulled this together. In the future on January 1 we should be writing speeches not 2 days before.
Aliza to GReg- this more fun...

Yes our children teach us far more than we teach them. 

It takes a tough resolve to get anything started, attempted or hopefully completed. I'm sure we will get through this too, I'm thankful for their ability and eventual willingness to do what is asked. Life is good. And I will work to look more closely at calendars when I ask for them. Oh well at least it's not the day after the contest. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

1.23.22 Cousin Time

It's exciting to get to hit things and birthday parties with pinatas are pretty engaging, especialyl with the long days of winter upon us. Evander had his 4 birthday complete with a hefty pinata. The kids have a great time wacking the box. 

They all got several turns cardboard is much sturdier than paper mache. In the end they each had a few handfulls of candy and were very happy. 
In addition to candy, cake and ice cream was a train set. All the boys got into that action as well. 
It's nice to leave home for a while and stop worrying about work and homework and visit with other people. 
Bruce had a great weekend when his best friend Zane came to visit. Although Zane is two years older Bruce is the same height and thus they must be friends. I'm always shocked at how much Zane is quoted when he leaves. Bruce really enjoys time with him. 
Zanes brother standing in the background is actually Bruce's contemporary but they haven't got that far in all their playing. Miles is a full head shorter so obviously younger. All in all though they had a good time doing boy games for the weekend. 

 Anna was very thankful to meet up with some near kins. Aunt Denise's husband Heber has a sister in Ohio, maybe the oldest daughter? She has been watching for Anna. Last week Anna met her husband who's the stake president. An invitation was extended for Anna and her companion to come to family home evening at their house. I was so happy to see this picture. Anna had a great time and felt very comfortable there. I remember the joy at finding a home among my roommates when I was at college. A place that was just peaceful, safe, and even just normal. Anna loved being with the various ages. We are thankful for their love and concern for Anna. Life is good.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

1.22.22 Accomplishments

Due to Covid parents are still pretty taboo at school. Thanks to technology I was able to watch the quarterly awards assembly while I waited for Livy to complete her dental appointment. Afton has worked hard and got an award for her computer skills courses on reading and math. Millie passed the 50 states knowledge test on the first try. 
Reed made the 1000 points in AR- thank you to Louis L'Lamour. And Addie made the 4500 and 5500 point awards with her reading. She spends a lot of time helping her peers with their writing. She may be one of our more social kids. I'm impressed with her concern and mentoring of so many in her class. 
Reed mastered Banana bread in 2020 now he's working on banana bundt cake. I just gave him the recipe and a few instructions or consults on when to take the cake out and how to glaze it. 

 We all enjoyed it for breakfast this morning. Bundt cakes can be very tricky to get out of the pan in one piece. He  remembered this and reported that he sprayed the pan a lot and voila success!

I don't have a picture but the same day I made Livy take herself through the dentist routine. She went in alone checked in a had the procedure all by herself. I'm so thankful for the thoughtful staff who taught her all about the filling process. She loved seeing all the tools and learning how they are used. Livy is pretty shy and reluctant to do new things, so this was a major step for her. I was in the car with the 3 youngest watching the awards assembly.

 I rarely take the younger kids to town and never by myself especially this far along where I barely move myself around. Yet this day I got them all dressed and shod and to town on time. I was feeling pretty pleased as well. Where there is a will there is a way! We are blessed. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

1.21.21Family Life

I'm continuing to work through the required book work for tax season. One late Christmas present was some markers. I was surprised how long and how quietly the kids worked on coloring pictures. I love when they are intent on a project. I need to be able to think and this was a great diversion!
These two are just past charming and cute. As I have worried, wondered, and worked to prepare and endure the last waiting of the next baby I have spent time reviewing memories of years past. I have found babies are really loved at our house. There are so many who want to bask in their peace and innocence. There are decorations, holding, kisses, tricks, whip cream and ice cream sneaks, and so much more that is just so much more than I as a lone mom would or could ever single handedly provide. 

 I'm thankful for the tall elder in the back who lights our week for a few minutes on Monday's. It was especially fun this week that the school kids were home to see what Harold would do to entertain them. 
Harold is growing his hair out. He always wanted this style I wouldn't comply so on his mission he has long hair that he combs over. It's wavy and he's sill handsome. I'm letting John grow his a bit longer to maybe ward off such a power struggle when he is on his mission someday. Silly things but we are always trying to learn to be better parents. 

Their phones have funny filters which delight and surprise the younger ones. 
Harold shared that he had dinner at a facial plastic surgeon's home. Somehow Harold showed him that he could wiggle his ears. The surgeon was very impressed and explained few people could do that because of muscle weakness or structuring. He wanted to make a video to explain the delicate uniqueness of Harold being able to do that. I'm not sure if that happened or not as Harold's phone was very choppy. 
It's such a blessing to be able to see and hear them each week. I'm sure we are missing out on the higher cognitive activity of a written record yet I'm thankful to see their eyes and be assured all is well. 
And these two who don't fill holes but definitely add to the adventure and love that is part of the blessing of being the mom. Note Lia has a bandage on. 

The night before she was outside helping with the burn garbage and hot ash landed on her hand thus she has a nice burn for a while. So many of my kids have had bad burns. I would say all of them but I'm not sure. I know Harold was the first touching an iron, Afton has been burned on the hot glass of our fireplace, Reed got hot plastic on his foot that burned an impressive hole, John stepped on a hot coal and burned his foot really deep. So we have been down this healing path before. We get to keep repeating lessons and experiences. Thankfully with experience comes practicality and hope. Keep the burn in cold water for hours, know it will pass, dress it, don't worry too much. 

I'm thankful for the hope or knowledge I have that so many of these hard things will work out and be ok. I was just pondering today how we aren't in the midst of hard right now. Many people around us are dealing with very trying experiences, I know our spring will come and we will be back on full speed but right now it's nice to breathe. I'm sure I'm setting myself up for some new challenge, but right now this week I have been so thankful for peace. For fresh understanding and ideas that have stopped my fear and allowed me to smile and enjoy the life that is mine right now. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

1.14.22 Merle Man

Almost two is a fun time. Life just starts coming together. Merle is learning so much right now we are all endeared to his efforts to be big. He folds his arms and knows when to do so. 
He is so patient with these two who are constantly smothering him. Lia and Merle have had croup this week and crackers was an acceptable stop crying for half an hour diversion. 
He loves to sit on my lap. One day he found the thumb hold in my sweater and figured this was a good place to put his hand. 
He's sitting on my lap pushing buttons on my printer to see if he can make it work. It's not easy to have baby in side me, very sore hips, and busy toddler on my lap. I don't know if I will ever get the 2021  books complete
Addie and Aliza are big helps. I text or call them and they generally come running to resuce me from busy body who just came to give me a knife he had picked up somehere. He is shown here making bread with Addie. He is adding flour one spoonful at a time. 
It's always hard to fathom how we will cope with one more, how to manage the very curious toddler and the very helpless needy baby that will soon be here. I'm sure we will manage we always have. 

We are blessed by all these bodies that enliven our days and make us stretch and grow. Life is good. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

1.13.22 Temple Trip

One of the profound joys of motherhood is taking my children to the temple. We are thankful to have temple relatively close to us. Reed was ordained to the Aaronic priesthood and thus could go in the temple as of January 1 of this year. I was thankful for a prompting to check for openings in the middle of December so we got to take him the first week of January. My parents accompanied us and we had a very peaceful evening worshipping and serving in the House of the Lord as a family.

I've been moving very slow of late due to growing baby and pinched nerves. These kids got out way before me. Thankfully Addie snapped a few pictures of those willing to be photographed. 

After the temple we searched for a place to go to dinner, the one that had an opening was Epi's. A Basque eatery in the same town. The kids had no idea what kind of treat they were in for. 

All were impressed with their dinners. And all had a first time experience with eating in courses. 

3 generations. Each has blessed my life immensely. 

The teenage crew at our house right now. They are diverse and different but these are my workhorses, fun conversationalist, complainers, and blessings. I'm thankful for their uniqueness. 

John is taking weights this year. It is so fun to literally transform your body. He was also the one baptizing his siblings. He told us Reed was pretty hard to put under. Reed explained he was worried John wouldn't pull him out. John proved he has plenty of muscle power to get the job done. 

 Truly this is a choice season. There are so many days I'm dog tired literally falling asleep whenever I sit, but there are so many moments that are so delightful. This night was beautiful and meaningful to be with those who taught and raised me and those that I now get to teach and raise. 

With my walking being very limited and painful I have been made aware of how much of my movement is literally turning circles. Pivoting and going back and forth are the hallmarks of my day. And my years and my life as a mom. I hope with each do again, I do better. I hope I'm more patient, loving, present, etc. I'm not. I still get frustrated, short of temper, hoping for escape, and just plain done with it all. I'm thankful kids are so resilient and at least half the time helpful to each other. Life is good.