Friday, January 14, 2022

1.14.22 Merle Man

Almost two is a fun time. Life just starts coming together. Merle is learning so much right now we are all endeared to his efforts to be big. He folds his arms and knows when to do so. 
He is so patient with these two who are constantly smothering him. Lia and Merle have had croup this week and crackers was an acceptable stop crying for half an hour diversion. 
He loves to sit on my lap. One day he found the thumb hold in my sweater and figured this was a good place to put his hand. 
He's sitting on my lap pushing buttons on my printer to see if he can make it work. It's not easy to have baby in side me, very sore hips, and busy toddler on my lap. I don't know if I will ever get the 2021  books complete
Addie and Aliza are big helps. I text or call them and they generally come running to resuce me from busy body who just came to give me a knife he had picked up somehere. He is shown here making bread with Addie. He is adding flour one spoonful at a time. 
It's always hard to fathom how we will cope with one more, how to manage the very curious toddler and the very helpless needy baby that will soon be here. I'm sure we will manage we always have. 

We are blessed by all these bodies that enliven our days and make us stretch and grow. Life is good. 

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