Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1.4.22 In with the new

We worked a bit in reverse this year cleaning out the old the day before Christmas so we could bring in the new. We started the day removing old worn out furniture from our house. This triggered the need to wash and vacuum our two main living rooms. After that we all piled in the big van to go get the new couches. There is something very final with burning. Addie loves a good fire this was maybe one of her Christmas presents. 

After many hours, book it pizza's, and a lot of lifting we arrived back at home with our new used couches. We washed and dried the furniture. 

Thankfully Uncle Bryce saw our project and offered to help. While we weren't lacking man power we were definitely low on patience and energy by this point. His cheerful can do attitude was just what we needed to finish the project before dark. 
We love having room for everyone and some bigger chairs for the bigger bodies our children have grown since we moved here a lot of years ago. That could be in part from the delicious treats our neighbors shared with us this holiday season. We did not get to as many neighbors as I had hoped but we are forever grateful for the many friends who share their love and concern with our family. 

MAn loved the chocolate covered pretzels. They were really good. 

That night for scriptures everyone agreed the couches were just the right size. We are grateful for those we bought and were gifted them from. We are working to learn new habits like not walking or jumping on the furniture. We have to keep training the next generation to be better behaved. Hopefully this will soak in soon. I'm not sure how good of a police I will be buried deep in my accounting this month and struggling with late pregnancy limitations. We shall see. 

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