Monday, January 3, 2022

1.3.22 Christmas Eve 21

One of the best parts of Christmas is all the boxes. These boys loved the huge box that brought one of my favorite most hoped for presents new laundry baskets. With the amount of laundry we do a set last about 9 months then we manage for the next 3. We definitely use things up.

After many weeks and days of waiting the night was here and we had Christmas Eve Joy at Uncle KEvin's and Aunt Elizabeth's. Their house is the best for parties lots of room and people so there is fun for all. 
A fun new attraction the bouncy gym. 
Plenty of dolls and seating to play in. 
Santa made a special stop. The kids waited patiently for their turn. Parents hoped the wishes were filled at home. 

All photos thanks to this lady who is fantastic at capturing the moments. 

Next the nativity. It's fun and wild each year. This is a fun addition to the festivities each graduating parts and sure in the knowledge of the why of Christmas. 
The adults and teens endulge in the yearly assortment of Christmas yumminess. 
A new addition to the cast Merle man making his debut as a camel.
Visiting with Uncles.

Next step waiting a bit more for dinner to be ready to serve.

Finally to the feast! Plenty for first, seconds, and thirds for more than 40. We are blessed to live so abundantly.
Seating for all and a good time to catch up.

The kids were in a hurry to get to presents. This gift exchange of cold cereal is a highlight. Each gets their own box of cold cereal. Yum yum.

Cousins share lots of similarities and make each holiday and gathering more fun. Though the traditions have changed and evolved it is only becoming better and better. 

Teenagers were the big winners on the Kahoot Uncle Justin created for the White elephant gift exchange. They have fast fingers and good guesses.

We rounded the evening out with a cookie buffet and more visiting. 

 Life is good another year lived and moving into the next. We get bigger in number, wiser, funnier, and hopefully strengthened by each other. We are thankful to be family and for the times we get to be together relaxed and sharing some food and time. We have standard traditions that bind us together through the generations. Happy New Year.

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