Wednesday, January 12, 2022

1.12.22 More Christmas

After talking with Anna on Monday on the week of Christmas I was reminded that I needed to be reaching out to the missionaries more often. I texted these ladies who were also new to our area and asked if they would like to come make cookies at our house. It all worked out I think I told the story earlier but this was the start of the evening. They were so fun to have in our home. 
That evening was our ward Christmas party. The youth were asked to portray the nativity scene. My youth were not super excited. The primary was asked to sing. Mark was Joseph. 

Addie is the shepherd in back the sheep is the small hunched teenager. 

The primary adds musical accompaniment
John as one of the three wise guys. He looked good as a king.
Aliza was the narrator. It was a beautiful program. It was so nice to do something normal like eat with a lot of people. 

 After Christmas passed I could not of a thing we had done in December I was surprised when I got these photos a week ago. I guess we had more going on than I realized. We are blessed. 

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