Thursday, January 6, 2022

1.6.22 Fancy Eating

We had some generous gifts of crackers, meat sticks, and cheeses. Being that charcuterie boards are all the rage right now we toned it down and tried it out for our final lunch of the Christmas break. 

Of course the kids enjoyed the help yourself option. And one can never go wrong with cheese and crackers. 

Happy kids, easy lunch, no complaints, full bellies Major win! Thanks Dad. 

These kids keep aging even though I forget. This Lady is going on her first decade thus she needs to be learning more of the fine art of cooking. I'm not great for standing or walking these days but my brain and mouth work so I sat in another room and instructed her on how to make cookies. I'm so thankful she showed me the spoon size she was using before measuring the salt. A tablespoon is hard to take in cookies. A tablespoon of vanilla is not so big of a deal. The dough looked great. Learning to set a timer is the next lesson but as  always the cookies disappeared in no time flat. She will get lots of practice in the next few years. How we love watching them grow.  

 Speaking of growing this guy is now as tall as my dad maybe a touch taller. He fits perfectly in the hand-me-down coveralls. These are warm and hard to find these days. How thankful we are for all who think of us for clothing and supplies. Addie opened the day sorting through all 4 little girls clothes, I watched and gave some suggestions. I was planning the menu for the week, that we now can't find, and after her efficient sort she promptly took the old clothes to be burned. One thing about Addie her cleaning is final, I guess I'm more of a hoarder she's definitely get it all done. At least they can open and close their drawers easily now and maybe not so many clothes will live on their floors. I am blessed and here we go into the school year of 2022. 

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