Friday, January 21, 2022

1.21.21Family Life

I'm continuing to work through the required book work for tax season. One late Christmas present was some markers. I was surprised how long and how quietly the kids worked on coloring pictures. I love when they are intent on a project. I need to be able to think and this was a great diversion!
These two are just past charming and cute. As I have worried, wondered, and worked to prepare and endure the last waiting of the next baby I have spent time reviewing memories of years past. I have found babies are really loved at our house. There are so many who want to bask in their peace and innocence. There are decorations, holding, kisses, tricks, whip cream and ice cream sneaks, and so much more that is just so much more than I as a lone mom would or could ever single handedly provide. 

 I'm thankful for the tall elder in the back who lights our week for a few minutes on Monday's. It was especially fun this week that the school kids were home to see what Harold would do to entertain them. 
Harold is growing his hair out. He always wanted this style I wouldn't comply so on his mission he has long hair that he combs over. It's wavy and he's sill handsome. I'm letting John grow his a bit longer to maybe ward off such a power struggle when he is on his mission someday. Silly things but we are always trying to learn to be better parents. 

Their phones have funny filters which delight and surprise the younger ones. 
Harold shared that he had dinner at a facial plastic surgeon's home. Somehow Harold showed him that he could wiggle his ears. The surgeon was very impressed and explained few people could do that because of muscle weakness or structuring. He wanted to make a video to explain the delicate uniqueness of Harold being able to do that. I'm not sure if that happened or not as Harold's phone was very choppy. 
It's such a blessing to be able to see and hear them each week. I'm sure we are missing out on the higher cognitive activity of a written record yet I'm thankful to see their eyes and be assured all is well. 
And these two who don't fill holes but definitely add to the adventure and love that is part of the blessing of being the mom. Note Lia has a bandage on. 

The night before she was outside helping with the burn garbage and hot ash landed on her hand thus she has a nice burn for a while. So many of my kids have had bad burns. I would say all of them but I'm not sure. I know Harold was the first touching an iron, Afton has been burned on the hot glass of our fireplace, Reed got hot plastic on his foot that burned an impressive hole, John stepped on a hot coal and burned his foot really deep. So we have been down this healing path before. We get to keep repeating lessons and experiences. Thankfully with experience comes practicality and hope. Keep the burn in cold water for hours, know it will pass, dress it, don't worry too much. 

I'm thankful for the hope or knowledge I have that so many of these hard things will work out and be ok. I was just pondering today how we aren't in the midst of hard right now. Many people around us are dealing with very trying experiences, I know our spring will come and we will be back on full speed but right now it's nice to breathe. I'm sure I'm setting myself up for some new challenge, but right now this week I have been so thankful for peace. For fresh understanding and ideas that have stopped my fear and allowed me to smile and enjoy the life that is mine right now. 

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