Sunday, January 23, 2022

1.23.22 Cousin Time

It's exciting to get to hit things and birthday parties with pinatas are pretty engaging, especialyl with the long days of winter upon us. Evander had his 4 birthday complete with a hefty pinata. The kids have a great time wacking the box. 

They all got several turns cardboard is much sturdier than paper mache. In the end they each had a few handfulls of candy and were very happy. 
In addition to candy, cake and ice cream was a train set. All the boys got into that action as well. 
It's nice to leave home for a while and stop worrying about work and homework and visit with other people. 
Bruce had a great weekend when his best friend Zane came to visit. Although Zane is two years older Bruce is the same height and thus they must be friends. I'm always shocked at how much Zane is quoted when he leaves. Bruce really enjoys time with him. 
Zanes brother standing in the background is actually Bruce's contemporary but they haven't got that far in all their playing. Miles is a full head shorter so obviously younger. All in all though they had a good time doing boy games for the weekend. 

 Anna was very thankful to meet up with some near kins. Aunt Denise's husband Heber has a sister in Ohio, maybe the oldest daughter? She has been watching for Anna. Last week Anna met her husband who's the stake president. An invitation was extended for Anna and her companion to come to family home evening at their house. I was so happy to see this picture. Anna had a great time and felt very comfortable there. I remember the joy at finding a home among my roommates when I was at college. A place that was just peaceful, safe, and even just normal. Anna loved being with the various ages. We are thankful for their love and concern for Anna. Life is good.

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