Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1.25.22 Western Ag Fair

Its a rare occasion that we are able to pry Greg out of our hometown especially during daylight hours. Yet, there is one event he really enjoyed as a kid and has a pretty agreeable disposition towards sharing with his children these days. The Western  Ag fair. This year I wasn't feeling quite up to walking all over and we had some pretty big and necessary dental appointments. Addie went very much against her will but she still managed to capture these great pictures of her siblings enjoying the day. She was a good sport and did three rounds of the entire fair while her dad talked at a few booths. One thing about Addie she is a get in and get it done kind of person. 

Mark and Aliza made alternative plans if somehow Greg was not able to go. They were both really into getting to attend the show. 

Alas the fun and sight seeing was over and super Addie herded everyone to the car to wait for over and hour for dad. Like I said she is efficient. Of course in the waiting Merle man had an accident he must have a heavy head, and got another flesh wound. He will heal I'm sure. 
Lia had her first fillings today she was really brave and did great as long as she could see the cartoons. I love how gentle and patient our dentist is. We give him lots of work and he does a good job with our cavitity prone teeth. 
The guaze is our attempt to not eat the inside of the cheek while still numb. She has some chewing but not too bad I hope. 

More fun with Addie. She truly is really patient and fun with the younger kids. She is such a dynamic piece of our family. As is this lady who loves to pose and does what she wants as she wants. 
And poor Millie had two teeth extracted. The same two I had probably around the same age. We let hers stay a little too long and now she has a big kid retainer to pull two teeth forward that were locked behind them. 

 My mom always got us milkshakes after major dental work so we went and got milkshakes too. Life is good if uncomfortable some days. We are blessed every way we turn. 

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