Thursday, January 13, 2022

1.13.22 Temple Trip

One of the profound joys of motherhood is taking my children to the temple. We are thankful to have temple relatively close to us. Reed was ordained to the Aaronic priesthood and thus could go in the temple as of January 1 of this year. I was thankful for a prompting to check for openings in the middle of December so we got to take him the first week of January. My parents accompanied us and we had a very peaceful evening worshipping and serving in the House of the Lord as a family.

I've been moving very slow of late due to growing baby and pinched nerves. These kids got out way before me. Thankfully Addie snapped a few pictures of those willing to be photographed. 

After the temple we searched for a place to go to dinner, the one that had an opening was Epi's. A Basque eatery in the same town. The kids had no idea what kind of treat they were in for. 

All were impressed with their dinners. And all had a first time experience with eating in courses. 

3 generations. Each has blessed my life immensely. 

The teenage crew at our house right now. They are diverse and different but these are my workhorses, fun conversationalist, complainers, and blessings. I'm thankful for their uniqueness. 

John is taking weights this year. It is so fun to literally transform your body. He was also the one baptizing his siblings. He told us Reed was pretty hard to put under. Reed explained he was worried John wouldn't pull him out. John proved he has plenty of muscle power to get the job done. 

 Truly this is a choice season. There are so many days I'm dog tired literally falling asleep whenever I sit, but there are so many moments that are so delightful. This night was beautiful and meaningful to be with those who taught and raised me and those that I now get to teach and raise. 

With my walking being very limited and painful I have been made aware of how much of my movement is literally turning circles. Pivoting and going back and forth are the hallmarks of my day. And my years and my life as a mom. I hope with each do again, I do better. I hope I'm more patient, loving, present, etc. I'm not. I still get frustrated, short of temper, hoping for escape, and just plain done with it all. I'm thankful kids are so resilient and at least half the time helpful to each other. Life is good. 

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