Monday, January 24, 2022

1.24.22 Setting Goals

 This weekend we had stake conference almost 5 complete hours dedicated to the children and youth program. The speakers elaborated at length on the need to teach our children to set goals so they can ultimately become familiar and comfortable with receiving inspiration and inviting the Savior Jesus Christ into their lives daily. I'm happy to report I managed to sit through the 5 and a half hours of talks and was able to walk unassisted away from the meetings. I'm also happy to report that we got to work on the doing part of the goals tonight. After much resistance and out loud pondering why my children choose to be we don't want tos, as compared to the I want to do everything on display today, we got some forward momentum. 

Reed and Livy cooking scones requested by Mark. I was impressed Reed did most of the instructing. I made the dough and the maple frosting. Reed made the buttermilk syrup and did 75% of the cooking showing Livy what to look for and how to proceed. One of the speakers suggested kids learn how to make toast and or their favorite meals. So Mark learned more about spanish rice preparation and Reed continues to make whatever is asked. Millie is pretty good with salads. 

We realized as we did the calendar for the week that this was in fact speech week. Thus the boys were rounded up and instructed to start writing and memorizing. Aliza had a thought and just needed time and ears to help her refine her thoughts. She is a whiz with words. It is truly amazing to hear her brain at work. 

Ahhh the easy little ones. I mean there's all the training and tolerating but sometimes in perspective they are just pleasantly easy. 
John is speaking on technology. I finally took to the keyboard and tried to type fast enough to catch his thoughts. He is witty and thinks big thoughts now to convince him to speak slowly and put some heart into representing himself. Mark is working with our super coach Addie on the Creed.

She is tough and exacting. I'm still able to prompt when he gets stuck. He should do really well on questions as he knows and loves ag. They ask why we make them do this, why does it matter? Speaking is an art that is used throughout life. Good speaking is pleasant and welcome. Lack of confidence and organization is painful and looses the intention quickly. I'm thankful for the structure of FFA that allows kids to grow and become confident, interesting, and able to articulate their thoughts and passions. We continue to work to develop skills and abilities.
 I swear my teenagers lie awake at night dreaming up ways to be contrary as they are so quick to find opposition to anything I offer. From whole wheat flour vs. white flour, to opportunities or jobs. 

Greg to John- I'm impressed with how well you have pulled this together. In the future on January 1 we should be writing speeches not 2 days before.
Aliza to GReg- this more fun...

Yes our children teach us far more than we teach them. 

It takes a tough resolve to get anything started, attempted or hopefully completed. I'm sure we will get through this too, I'm thankful for their ability and eventual willingness to do what is asked. Life is good. And I will work to look more closely at calendars when I ask for them. Oh well at least it's not the day after the contest. 

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