Sunday, February 12, 2023

2.12.23 Afton baptism

Afton had her birthday and baptism a few weeks ago. She is the first in her primary class and our tenth baptism day! We planned ahead and had things organized which was a change. She was a lovely candidate. 

I played the piano, I often do that at baptisms it's nice to watch the excited kids and to have a place. After the event and confirmation by her dad, papa corn, grandpa saunders, uncle bryce, and uncle justin we went to pizza at the pizza place. We drove a round a bit enjoying being together and stopped at grandma and papa corn's on the way home. 
After a nice experience together we went and dumped fries and came home to dinner by Addie. After dinner we painted toe nails
Addie doesn's dump fries but stays home with Andrea and other little kids. She makes dinner and works on homework. 
Her brothers love her. 
I let a team paint my toes and I rested my very weary body. I had showed the workers how to more efficiently open bags and I was tired after keeping up with teenage boys. 

Finished product. Andrea was not allowed to get polished but she was glad to have her people back home. 
Aliza called to hear all about it. Andrea was thrilled to see a sibling on the phone too. She is getting in the habit of talking to them on the phone she is bummed when there isn't a familiar face on the screen. 
Families are eternal and a blessing. They are also messy and busy and quarrelsome and trying. Life is good together. We are thankful for each one and for their choices as they grow up. 

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