Monday, February 6, 2023

2.6.23 District FFA

My guys. We have been working on some applications for John he was sad that he did not have many pictures of him in my blog or picture storage. I was so thankful that I had cataloged and recorded our life as I can't remember details and life moves fast I was surprsied to re-read stories I had forgotten about the cute and curious antics of these two as younger boys. These past few weeks we have been intensely working on speeches. While I was sitting through the contest watching each young person present then answer questions. It was inspiring and insightful. 
I observed that so many more lessons had been offered in this process of developing the speeches. We spend hours every night listening to the speeches coaching cadence, tonation, movements, and energy. We talk about the topics and work to understand sides of the issue. In that values, history, economics, politics, science, and ethics are discussed. It is a good process. 
Addie has caught the vision that we shouldn't leave easy points on the table so small overlooked items like grammar, correct and complete official dress should be done. So when I asked Mark about his compression sock he divulged it was in fact olive green not the required black. John had already been to the dollar store for note cards for his speech, then a return trip for paper towels for the bathrooms. He assured me he knew the store by now and there were in fact socks there as well. So on the third trip he bought socks and Mark was in compliance. I don't love what the dollar store represents but on this day in this situation it was very helpful. 
Likewise teams of kids learn to work and think together. These friendships are good and unifying. In a world that is so isolated and bent on being individual it is imperative to learn to work together and share wins and losses. I was so proud of each kid who participated and participated in a new contest. I told Addie by putting herself in hard stressful situations she is increasing her ability to handle hard stressful situations. By triumphing mind over self you gain confidence. 
At the end of the day is was all a lot of blue banners. 
Addie and team go on to sectionals for conduct of chapter meetings.
Addie and her friend who recited the creed. Addie placed first. 
And after a big day the triumphant walk back to school. 
So the journey continues. The kids continue to practice and learn and work on homework so they are eligible to keep representing their school, family, and selves. We love to learn and love to grow. Life is good and we are blessed every way we turn. 


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