Saturday, February 25, 2023

2.25.23 Garden experiments

I've been asking Reed to plant some peas for a week or so. My papa said peas should go in the ground as soon as the snow melts. That was a while ago but the weather is mellowing and the days are marching towards March. Thus when my mom called and said it looked like a nice day to plant some garden we obeyed. The weather was temperate. The kids enjoyed the dirt. There is something so good about time and hope of planting seeds.  We planted peas, lettuce, spinach, and wheat. Our Regenerative Ag books say covered soil is more healthy than bare. We are adjusting our thinking it was interesting to see the water difference in our garden at my house that only gets covered with leaves and sprayed for weed control there is little tillage here. Versus the garden spot that had squishy standing water and snow. I was really surprised at the difference. Mark says the soil can't hold the water up there? I don't know. But we are experimenting to see what helps and works and what doesn't.  
We worked to plant some wheat for the chickens. It can't hurt to try and would give them some nice greens to peck at. I was astounded to find so much room to grow things. I'm envisioning a berry patch if we can get the trees under control. 

While Mark and I planted more cover crop mix the kids played football on the lawn. It's so nice to hear their happy shouts and noises. 

Merle found the tonka trucks and happily pushed them in the dirt. 
Bruce showing off the crane Millie had built. It could lift a lot of weight he tested it all day. The water didn't go so well but the cardboard dried and was still useable. 
After work the boys usually find some time to interact with Andrea. She loves their attention mostly.

 She was so intent studying what they were doing. Addie had written a story about her brothers and they were being enlightened of her perspective. She has a strong entertaining style. This story was another well captured moment of our family life. I think it makes the teachers smile as it's easy to read, engaging, and a small glimpse into the truly unique family we are. I love when Addie shares her voice on paper. 

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