Sunday, February 5, 2023

2.5.23 Reunions

When Anna calls the younger kids clamor for her attention. They love to see her face and tell her stories about their lives. I'm hopeful they will each develop new relationships of love and friendship with her and Harold when they come home. Family is always a work in progress. Anna asks us to accept that she has changed. She is really worried about hanging onto the new things she has become and learned. I too hope we can support her as she wants and needs. I told her we too have changed and grown. For now my mama heart is very warmed with the desire to see each other the younger ones share with their older siblings. We got her release information last week after I emailed the mission office. It was as we had expected the end of March. I'm so excited to hold her again and to be in her presence. 
Bruce continues his daily ice cream regimne. He helped himself to two rounds while IW as talking to Anna. 
Anna was impressed with Alia's curls, I took some pictures to show her its getting longer and prettier by the day. 
A friend shared that it was national hot chocolate day (who comes up with all those days) so we of courser obliged. It helped that the weather was around 10 degrees. Merle was my helper. He is so cute and loves to serve those around him. 
He is a pretty concerned big brother. Andrea enjoys him as well when he is being kind. Of late I've had to stop him from crushing her. 

My sweet little ones that keep me hopping and put up with the busy shuffling around that is life to teenagers. We have sweet days full of cleaning and working. We leave some chores for later. We do school, we watch audio books, and play. I'm thankful each set of kids has siblings to love and learn life with. There's plenty of fighting and crying a laughing and delight. Life is so grand and we are blessed.  


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