Wednesday, February 22, 2023

2.22.23 American Legion Oratorical State Level

Another weekend of driving and competing. Addie spoke to the American legion people this weekend in Lebanon Oregon. The ride was uneventful only slipping once on ice through the dreaded Santiam Pass. Oregon is a big state. We decided last minute to take Andrea, I am finding I do better with someone to care for than on my own. She wasn't feeling 100% and slept most the way over. We got to Sweet home during daylight hours nad got out to stretch our legs. 

Oregon is a beautiful state. Very different scenery from one side to other whether it be north to south or east to west but I see why people want to visit. I'm still surprised how many small towns make up the state. We stopped for a quick visit with Greg's cousin then continued on to our destination. We ate dinner before finding the hotel. I was also impressed with the number of fmailies in the resteraunt all with babies in tow. 
My young one is not a fast mover in the morning. She enjoyed her bottle while I rushed to pack everything and get ready for the day. At the legion hall Addie was thankful for Aliza's support and guidance with the social scene. Everyone there remembered Aliza from the year before. I was surprised as a year is a long time. They wanted to hear about nationals. We explained though she didn't move forward from the opening round there it paved the way for her to be successful at the National FFA contest and for that we were grateful. 
I was very impressed with the interest of the Legion members in my daughters. They spoke with them and took turns passing time with conversation. In a very digital age and the pretty close knit circle we run in meeting and visiting with strangers, though kindly and respectful, was invaluable. I appreciated watching while I held a sleeping Andrea. 

The final placing matched up with what Aliza picked. Addie is the tall girl she was the only one in flat shoes the others had moderate to towering high heels. I think the placing is fair although the last two I would have switched the boy with the girl. He had a debate style. He wants to go to MIT for computer programming. The winner is a girl who has been homeschooled her whole life. She did a great job. Number two from Burns improved 150% from the week before. I was so impressed with the change in confidence and style. 
The pass thankfully the roads were just wet not slick. 
Travel buddies. We had some good conversation. I was thankful for time with these ladies and so grateful Addie felt better on Saturday. She slept the whole way over on Friday as her stomach was hurting. I'm sad we haven't found a way to spend time like this with our sons. We are going to be looking harder at ways to connect with them. 

At home the kids were well cared for with Grandma Saunders. We found them at our house bathed and ready for Sunday working on Tinker crates a friend had gifted them. Alivia was first putting hers together it bounced balls up a ramp and then back to the beginning. An engineering feet I'm sure. Millie got her crane put together later. 
The professional pictures. 

I was so impressed with the generosity. The an in the red hat is Kevin. There were originally only 5 scholarships but 6 contestants. He did some figuring and made a 6th scholarship equal to the 5th place. All money to kids was over 1500.00. That's a big amount. When I thanked him he said this is about helping kids that's why we do what we do. We are thankful for that mindset. The lady on the right is Maria the contest organizer and MC. She too works hard to organize all the people involved throughout each year. 

 And that's a wrap. We are thankful for the opportunity to earn money, to grow our knoweldge and skills and to meet great people. Life is good and we are blessed.

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