Wednesday, February 15, 2023

2.15.23 American Legion District Addie

My sweet Addie independent and fiesty yet needing her mom. This lady is dynamic and charming. On Saturday we witnessed her being a glowing light of goodness and feminine charm. In church there are a lot of anecdotes about letting your light shine and not hiding your light. Her pleasant voice, sharing of solutions not just problems and optimism are a breath of fresh air. We always strive to be problem solvers not problem wallowers here. This is a hard contest 8-10 minute memorized speech is long. Each contestant started to struggle around 6 minutes. They survived the following 2-4 minutes thankfully. 
There is less companionship than the FFA speeches offer and that makes a difference. The cross country coach shared that insight during the season. While I was frustrated with the lack of commitment and drive of Addie's peers the coach said that's true but the other kids keep it light and enjoyable. In this contest that is the truth peers share, support, add silly and smiles. That is huge in high stress situations. As parents we share in the stress adding too much and thinking too hard about consequences (which are good and bad). 
At the end of the contest Addie was 2nd and won $300. This is why we encourage the competition the money. To date Addie has won almost as much as Aliza won at the National FFA. And she can compete again. So while the experience isn't as "fun" it is worthwhile. 

 The poise and maturity required for this participation is huge. To hold yourself together and not show fear, discouragement, and or ruffled feathers is imperative. I told her you must be cool and gracious from the minute you step out of the car until you get back in. People are watching they have donated this money nad are champions of freedom they want a respectful, kind, positive, and smart recipient. So more learning and more growth. Learning how to interact longer with adults. Learning to mingle with new people. Learning to trust your parents and be patient with them. It's a process. 

Life is good and we are blessed and on the road again soon. Off to state and another round of stretching. We are so proud of Addie for undertaking such a huge project. She is a brave hearted lady. 

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