Monday, February 13, 2023

2.13.23 passing days

We burn propane gas in our house. That powerful little stove runs all the time to keep us moderately warm. The process of burning causes soot and yearly the stove needs a spray out with compressed air. This year Greg worked on the project solo and forgot I hang sheets around the stove to stop the dirty air from covering the rest of the house. Therefore I spent the next few days cleaning and cleaning. I washed the walls, the couch covers, clothes, and the carpet. My kids looked like chimney sweeps black bodies, faces, and hands it had to be done. 
They also had to clean their toys. This was a fun project that occupied them while I tried to figure out how to manage the dirty walls. Soot is sticky and it worked best to dry wipe the walls then wet wipe the walls then dry again. It took a lot of time and energy and the carpet was a whole other project but alas when done it feels so good to have a verified clean home. 
Andrea is always a sport no matter the activity she is cleaner by the day with all the deep cleaning. 

We have been working to speak wherever people will listen. Addie and Mark spoke at the farm credit service then we went shopping for some additions to her business ensemble. 
John, Mark and Reed are working on pinewood derby cars for a mutual activity. Bruce got the cut out and sanded to his heart's content. We told him he had to stop or he would sand his car away. 

These younger kids too often get pushed aside for the pressing activities of the older kids. They are resilient and patient. We have started listening to audio books. We listened to Where the Red Fern GRows, then Little House in the Big Woods, and now Summer of the Monkeys. We love this activity. Though not much is accomplished the sharing of the excitment, concern, and entertainment of great authors is a delight. 
John, Mark and Reed spent more time dumping french fries. Only one more train car to go. John showing a creative use of the frozen fries. Fried fries do not net the same results. 

Greg and I posing for a recent photo per the request of some family members. 

And glory be while I was washing everything in sight the wind blew enough to dry most of the laundry. I was so thankful and loved the chance to be outside. I could take that more often but don't love the cold and so opt to just look out the window. 
As the days slowly tick by in anticipation of the meeting with the surgeon my family keeps me busy. I have listened to a book and read one on my phone to boot. That was new and probably won't do that again although the ease of checking out and returning the books- we have too many lost books- was tempting. I'm trying to keep active, full of faith not fear and doing what needs to be done. Each Sunday I realize I failed ot get the new church stuff that my growing family needs but they manage to make do. I'm thankful for all these people to divert my worries and keep me getting out of bed and being productive. Life is good. I am thankful for my blessings each one from breezy days, to sooty house so I can have clean carpets and clean walls and a reason to purge stuff that has been too long ignored. I'm thankful for health and strength and books to pass the time focused outside of my concerns. I'm thankful for friends, family, and promptings that lighten my days. I am truly and humbly blessed. 

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