Thursday, February 23, 2023

2.23.23 Livy paint day

Livy's birthday was in the middle of all the speaking work of the older kids. She was sad that she didn't get recognized much on that day. We did send cookies to school for her class and made the food she wanted but that was all that happened. Thus Addie suggested I take her and Mark to breakfast after doing our yearly toilet paper stock up. I surprsed them after the big shopping trip, my parents joined us. Livy was impressed with the variety and amount of food choices. After breakfast she went back to the grocery store to shop with my parents. She was able to go paint with my mom. 
These ladies are preparing for a stake relief society conference. They will be hosting a walk through JEsus' life. Therefore scenary must be created. Livy loving all things artistic enjoyed the time with grandma and her friends very much.

Solo time with grandparents is so building. Livy really enjoyed the day. I'm thankful we live close to our familey's and they are part of our daily lives. I'm thankful for their attention to my kids who are sometimes a bit short on that as each demands different amounts in different seasons. I'm also thankful for their counsel and examples to my kids. We are blessed.  


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