Monday, February 20, 2023

2.20.23 Siblings

The younger kids love when my phone talks to them in the voices of Anna or Harold. We love our Monday Facetime visits. In just a month or so Anna will be home!!
I have been able to return to relief society attendance and thus know some other parts of what is going on in the ward. I signed up for Meals on Wheels. It has been years since we took food around to older people who are shut-in. The kids did great. I was saddened to see the poor ways some people live. It was good to serve with my younger kiddos. 

Thankfully there was plenty of items for them each to carry. 
Even better Andrea slept most of the time. She is a sweet girl mostly. We headed to Ontario later in the day for Mark to get legalized for driving. He handed his completion forms and identification to the authority, paid his money and smiled for his pictures. I was in the car with sleeping young ones and happy when he came out successful.
Andrea received her birthday present a day or so early. The older brothers were quick to show her how it worked. She enjoyed them playing with her. 

I'm so thankful in the midst of all the busyness of the older kids for simple pleasures observed with the smaller people here. Merle getting instruction on footwear from Alia. 

I ma thankful for the natural pairing of kids in our house. Each has someone to share life and imagine with. We are blessed by each one. The birthday week was drawn out we finally got to cake on Andrea's birthday we sang the song and lighted and relighted candles. Healthy children are a taken for granted blessing. We work to keep their play contained, to teach them and love them. Alia was delighted when the week ended with Aliza coming to see her. They have a special connection. 


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