Sunday, February 19, 2023

2.16.23 True Valentine's

 We sent the obligatory suckers to school for classmates and worked to get ready for our dinner guests, the sister missionaries. The posts on facebook showed flowers, candy etc etc. With the current exorbitant price for everything none of those seemed reasonable. I pondered what makes me feel loved? What I do to show my love? Those are different things. Love languages are real, confusing, and frustrating. This year I have been most touched by Greg fasting for me every Sunday. We have had tender conversations about what Cancer might mean for our assumed life together. We have cried together and spent a lot of time silently in fear of what might be. His faith and courage have sustained me in my doubt and anxiety.

Thus the buildup to Valentines this year was less about what could be bought and more about what we were experiencing together. I learned from years past to make Valentines what I want and hope for the best. The missionaries needed a meal so I planned on that. I was surprised the kids were asked to host a dinner for the widows in our ward. The boys looked sharp for the evening. They enjoyed visiting with ladies and leaders in our ward. 

The sisters came and shared our Valentine's meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, and salad with our family. This is everybody's favorite and it's easy.  We had fresh apple pie for dessert. It was good to visit with these dedicated ladies and learn a bit about them.


Greg came to dinner. The kids were excited and noisy after eating candy for hours thanks to school valentine exchanges. The mutual kids rushed to their activity and it was a normal night. We live in the reality of a loving family. Crazy, annoying, busy, kind, concerned, supportive, and peaceful. This is where confidence and stability come from. Life is good and we are blessed. The next day we enjoyed chocolates from my dad and finished the pie! 

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