Friday, June 28, 2024

6.28.24 Ditch repair

 The up-and-down heat and mostly cooler June led to this abundant blooming on my mother in laws roses. I care for them because I love roses. This was an impressive first showing. The red roses have a heavenly smell. 

The kids found this frog while working on a ditch repair. He put on quite a show swimming up and down the ditch from them. 
Greg loves to work with his kids and they love the time with him. Early Saturday morning work began fixing the ditch that was too low and keep washing out. 
Millie and Bruce shoveled dirt for the bank while Mark and Reed worked on the cement replacement. 
The excessive moss in the water causes the tubes to stop then the extra unused water goes over the low spots in the ditch. Hopefully, these extra four inches will preserve the bank and save the corn. Moss is a major challenge in the water season. From checking the running water every 2 hours during the day to late night and early morning checks we are always watching water. 

I'm always impressed with all the things Greg knows how to do and teaches his children to do. We rarely call someone to fix what is a problem at our house. That means it has to wait until we have time or we have to find solutions but I would say my most often phrase is "be a problem solver,." That's just what Greg is and does all day every day. These are the best times in our family. When we are all working together to make life better and everyone has a part to play. That's foundational to team building, a focused outside problem that the team has to solved, requiring contribution by all in the group. That's what the farm provides for us daily challenges that we work together to solve or manage. Life is good even if it's hot and dirty and hard. We are blessed.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

6.27.24 Kids

Afton loved this book. Just like her siblings ahead of her the sweet story was engaging and creative. Now Afton wants to make some pie. Honestly, this book was a catalyst for Aliza's pie-making adventures. I wasn't on a diet or health journey then. How to balance? We will make pie, so she too can learn and gain new skills. 
Bruce in a hat he has adopted from John. He's really growing up and is a constant tease. Thus he gets more to do. 
Addie asks if we clean at all when she is gone. We spent time deep cleaning the kitchen this morning the picture is proof to her that yes we do in fact clean. 
More making Bruce strong work. 
Livy had girls camp and they made these shirts using bleach only. I was so impressed with her leaf imprint and her fancy writing. I was so worried about her being solo for 4 days but she did great. Made some choices to meet her personal needs and care for herself I was happy to hear about. She's growing up and her unique spin on life is a blessing. How we love our creative very observative Livy. 
Talking with Aliza who shared that she has a bed bug problem to solve now. She is capable and able to do anything required. It was hard to hear that she had this problem. But these are the last days and pestilence is just part of life. 
Addie is in Washington DC. The man in the middle accompanied the 3 kids and showed them how to get around. She has enjoyed seeing the sights. 
Merle is such a fun brother and so cool. 
Unpacking with Livy
Talking with Aliza. After dropping my phone in ranch dressing the speaker isn't working so well so we use the headphones and all is good. 
Gelato was a new taste experience that was very delicious. 
Super buddies Andrea and Millie. I'm so thankful for Millie's desire and choice to be responsible. She has been such a help with Andrea. 
One day I took the kids to pick up a bale that had exploded in the field. We fed the bale to these beauties. They were very happy with the extra feed. It is good to work with my kids even though it takes an extra dose of patience. 
We keep living the same experiences with slight variations. I'm so thankful to be a mom and to have the time and gift of being with them everyday. I love seeing them grow and develop. Life is good and we are blessed. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6.26.24 Harold visit

Bruce picked up some chess sets from school. The kids love to take a few minutes and challenge each other to a game. Harold loves Chess as well and spent a few minutes teaching them some more ways to think about the game. He was gracious and let them have at least 6 moves before killing them completely.  
Addie had gone to the library last week and checked out a huge stash of books. The kids have spent many hours looking through the pages and reading the fun stories therein. This night Greg donned his hated reading glasses and read these girls a story. It's been a while since he has read to the kids they enjoyed it immensely. 
We got up early Father's Day to make pies for dessert. The girls all helped and I'm happy to report the pies were delicious and the girls great helpers. 
Millie loves coconut cream pie. Alia is always studying how to do what the older kids do. 
With all that cooking Livy was busy at the sink keeping us supplied with the dishes we needed. 
Addie worked on waffles for breakfast while we stirred and rolled and shaped the pies. 
Harold works to make friends with Andrea. She isn't 100% sure about him but does enjoy shoulder rides. 
My guys with their age spacing it's going to be a very long time until they all get together again after July 15. Part of me is super sad at that reality and the other is pleased with their choices.   They are quite the group and I'm thankful we have had each in our home. How we love and rely on the group of men. 
Father's Day at my mom's house. We try to snap a few more pictures these days as time is so fast and fleeting. I would say there are some strong resemblances. Funny but people always say these guys look like Greg's side of the family but here my mom definitely shares a lot of facial similarities. 
As fast as time flies it's good to take a minute and appreciate the beauty of each day. My kids are really good at noticing and taking pictures of sunsets. 

Ahh the beauty of a day's work well done. I love this hour of the day. All is well, safely gathered in, and fulfillment adds to the peace and cooling off of the summer days. 
Summer rolls on we are about out of June and into July all the camps have been attended and we have survived. Thakfully no major breakdowns, that's more July life. I'm immensely thankful while tinged with deep sadness that life is changing again soon. But we are well, and thus is the journey and progress of life to grow and move on. To shed old skin, habits, and locations, and adapt and learn in the next. Life is good and we are always blessed. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

6.17.24 Growing kids

This summer these two have really become buddies. They love to share and laugh and tease and explore together. I love it when my kids become friends. Andrea is finally old enough to really interact and Merle is all to happy to be her big brother. Here he is digging dirt to put in their trucks. 

There is something so magical about dirt. The soft coolness of it on bare feet is inviting to play and touch it more with fingers. She's also getting old enough to pose for pictures. 
When the kids were gone I got to work with Greg for a few days. It's amazing how much more harmonious our life is when we are working together and see each other during the day. The cows were so happy to have these loose bales to eat at their pleasure. 
At home, the kids completed another week of mowing. Pushing a lawnmower that is bagging the cut grass and then spreading the grass as mulch on the garden is a more grueling workout than I choose all winter. It is good and I'm thankful for their youth and vitality to get the more than an acre mowed.  
Playing in the shadey spot under the pine trees. 

And swinging. I try to make time to push the younger ones on the swings almost daily. They say this is a soothing activity. I know they love the feeling of flying. And will swing as long as I have time to spare and then some. I'm so thankful for the large shade trees that make our yard so inviting. 
It was also a good spot to watch BRuce work. He reminded me of Harold at that age working away at the neverending grass. 
Lia spent some time working on her letters on the inviting white boards outside our house. I was not thrilled to find she had used a paint marker. She will be painting over this when I get some paint. 

I'm thrilled at her ability to form letters but not happy about where she chose to put them. Life is good even as we work to train up more children to be worthwhile contributing citizens. Oh God grant me patience and strength is my daily prayer. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

6.10.24 Snaps

John and Mark cut each others hair. Oh boy summer hair short and too short. I looked back on the row the boys sit on in church and all I saw were brunette sons. After years of being the redheaded family this was bittersweet. I told Bruce from now on he will be the odd man out. How times and seasons change. 
We are sure thankful for the sweet cousins who add variety to our days and play. Myla and Lia. 
Andrea and Marilla double trouble at the curious 2 year old stage. 
Afton and Eloise. 
Aliza at a zone conference. I truly appreciate pictures showing small glimpses into her activities and goings on in the mission. I was happy to see her happy. They are working as a district to make the tallest spaghetti tower with string, tape, and spaghetti. 
Another farm picture taken as I worked the fields today. The cows enjoy the standing water pond we provide each year working to recharge the aquifer underground to provide pumpable water in the winter. 
I for these pictures from my handsome son. He works occasionally with Anna at the Bar T-5. 
This is the Harold I know when I think of him this would be the most accurate portrayal. 
Or this one come on mom stop! But I didn't take the pictures, I'm just thankful he shared them. 
He has no trouble keeping busy. He spends evenings country dancing. Teaching and enjoying polishing his dance and lift skills. 
All those years tossing little sisters seems to be paying off. 
More Reed and Andrea. 
Mom is not impressed with the super short hair but John is super happy with his new do. 

Lia the beautiful dreamer. She is so fun and sweet. 5 is a pretty nice age. 
And that's a wrap. Life is very full. Finally, with the trek kids gone, there has been some relaxing. We have more to do but the expectation of being ready for the next big thing is not as heavy today. They come home soon then it's the next thing and the next thing. Until then we will appreciate the calm before the next storm. Life is good.