Monday, June 3, 2024

6.3.24 John & Reed

Ever since John was a very little boy he has enjoyed creating things. Makign things that look fun. After spending some time one on one with him he shared that he had made a go cart of sorts from stuff found in and around the school. Thie was all discard stuff. I was a bit surprised having forgotten this love of his. But I was thankful he has gained the skills- welding, auto mechanics and understanding of power sources and drive trains etc- to be able to create working things. He took pictures and shared.
Old fence posts, a discarded seat, and a left over bicycle. 

A different design the chair has been the seat on a few versions of this project. 

A motor from a lawn mower. 
the machine moved. Although it didn't move John. A fearless adventerer who is about 100 lbs lighter than John did the test drive. Thankfully he missed the brick building because the thing didn't have reliable steering. John was delighted it moved! I'm thankful he shared what he has been working on all year. The power of education manifest. Wiser and more understanding to make power happen. 

Another event that happened while Addie was away was Reed's end of the year class play. He had a singing solo and was the bad guy. He did so well. It was hot on the stage he suffered in his suit but we were really pleased and a bit surprised at his theatrical talent. 

The last quarter of the school year is full of work and growth. The kids are writing 4 papers a week and learning this 1.5 hour play with singing and dancing. The teacher takes a lot of heat for being too tough but her expectations are met and the kids gain a lot of confidence in their ability to do what is asked. A final class picture. 
I'm thankful for all the grandparent support. We are blessed by grandparents on both sides who encourage and applaud our kid's talents and growth. 
And with that Reed completed 8th grade. There were a few more days but the work and the growing part were over. I'm not sure how I feel about high school for this guy no one asks, but I'm sure he will be successful there too. We are so blessed and abounding in good works. 

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