Tuesday, June 4, 2024

6.4.24 Awards assembly

Thankfully school ended before Memorial Day. The kids had worked hard all year and made some huge gains. Bruce got the on task doing the right thing at the right time award. He really grew this year and found his spot in the class. 
Reed made 3500 points for the reading plack. The other kids pictured made 500 points this year. 
A special award was given to Mrs. Smith. She worked for 20 years in the school system retired for 15 then came back for another 20. Oh how thankful I am for more mature women who come back into the school system to share their love and care with students. We are so glad she was our librarian for so many years.
A grandmother of students at the school made this custom book quilt for her. 
The 8th graders were given their graduation gifts. This has been a great group to grow up with. Sadly 3 will not be in high school with the others due to moves. But I'm sure new friends will be made to supplement the old. 
Bruce passed the most iready lessons by double of anyone at the school. He was able to draw the winning tickets for prize bags. HE was sure with 24 tickets in the mix he would win one bag. He did not, he pulled fairly and other kids got the prizes. 
Their awards. Millie made the honor roll with a 4.0. Afton got awards for most iready lessons in her class along with Bruce. Livy got most improved in Math. 
Reed with his good friend Issac. Sadly Issac will not be moving onto high school with Reed. He will attend a boarding school far away. This makes me sad because he's a really good influence nad has a lot in common with Reed. They are studious, hard workers, and athletic competitors. Good friends are so important for youth. 
As a reward to BRuce and because I'm trying to spend one on one time with my kids when it happens we are alone. We had a milkshake to celebrate Bruce's hard work for the year. He enjoyed the experience of eating in a restaurant. 
Later in the day we had the end of year awards for the Track team. Mark got a 1st year Varisty letter. 
Addie was recognized for competing at state and winning at districts. 

 We are super busy with multiple events for various kids all the time. But they are all doing good things and growing in positive ways. I'm thankful for the various ways they stretch and are befriended. Life is good and I'm thankful we survived all the activities. 

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