Thursday, June 6, 2024

6.6.24 Willowcreek Race Day

With each older kid our interest and involvement in community events swings. The cross-country team hosts a fundraiser rac early in June. Of course, Addie had the kids excited and up early to go run. They may have been thinking 1 mile but these three ended up on the 5k course. They completed successfully! 
Lia and Merle shown running here ran the 1 mile or 4 laps around the big lawn at the school. 
Of course, coach Addie told them to run most of the event. They enjoyed the water and chocolate milk at the end. The medals are cleaver laser engraved cows. 
Their mile time. Pretty impressive for little legs. Merle had on Mark style socks. One to his knee (Mark wears compression on his graft leg) and one ankle sock. Oh the style. 
Millie, Afton, and Bruce ran the three miles. Enjoying the water station at the halfway point where they were instructed to throw their water cups just like serious racers. 
Maybe someday these guys will hold Cross Country Records? 

That's a long way on an early morning. Thankfully the reward was a chocolate milk AND an ice cream cone. 
I think any of my kids would run for ice cream. Addie took them right over to enjoy a mid morning snack. And wearing their very large new shirts.

Lia and Afton had strawberry everyone else had chocolate. 
Back at home, the kids were re-energized pretty quickly we pulled the weeds out of the grape vines. I'm happy they woke up from a long winter nap. I pruned them for the first time ever and am thankful they are going well. We need to restring the fence but I'm hoping for more grapes this year. Heck, maybe I will make a grape tunnel. The cows loved the weeds we threw to them. 
Harold was asked to model some swing dance shirts for a marketing class. This is the result of his photo shoot. I told him Good grief. He is so handsome and manly. He enjoys where ever he is whatever he is doing. 

 As I've sifted through the many pictures of the past weeks and months. I'm impressed with how these kid's spirits and personalities have not changed much from birth but rather expanded and developed. Harold was called Happy for years. He is in fact a happy adaptable adventurous caring man. John has been creative and curious he still is but with more knowledge to breathe into life his dreams. Mark loved farming he is farming up a storm. I should find some pictures of all his experimenting this year. On and on it goes. Being a mother is a front-row seat to a person becoming. In the thick of the training, it is hard to remember what the purpose is. But as I have these older kids now I see the why and how. Kind of like learning to cook and not understanding why measuring and certain ingredients like salt and leavening or food safety are important. But after years of failure and success, you learn why. I see why time, discipline, opportunity, expectations, and teaching are so important. I'm thankful for this panoramic view I have of parenting these days. I'm thankful for the life that is mine. 

As I prepared to leave with Addie my brother shared his thoughts- "I love my life every day. It's not drudgery to get up and go to work, I like my work!" I agree I love my work. It's hard and I take breaks but I love the challenge and diversity of my days. I love the reliability of the seasons and the gift it is to be a mother. I am blessed life is so good. 

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