Friday, June 7, 2024

6.7.24 On the farm daily living

We stopped for more pig feed on our way home from the last day of school and got to see day-old piglets. They were so soft. We visited in the loafing shed while the kids raced and watched young piglets. 

At home, we started our summer work plan. There are lots and lots of weed management Our TV remote does not work so our TV is not easy to manage. Thus lots of play and imagination time. It is good to just be outside figuring out how to entertain yourself. Thankfully there are always siblings and sometimes cousins around to add to the dialog. Each year they get more capable and more responsible. 
Playing in the dirt is such an important part of childhood. Freshly tilled garden soil is so inviting. 
Aliza's mission president's wife posted these pictures of my dear lady. 

Lia enjoying various items in the trash to pretend play while the chickens watch. 
I spent some time in a truck that smelled like my childhood. Mark loaded the bales while I sat on memory lane remembering my grandparents. The leather and heat in the cab of the truck, combined with the dry barley smell brought back so many years of wheat harvest. 

At the farm, Mark made the stack. He is so confident on equipment. I love watching him work. It is an interesting cross-section to have worked with my grandfather, my father, my husband, and now my sons. They are all intense and driven and very driven to get the job done in a timely efficient manner. 
I bought a test-kitchen cookbook and the girls have been studying it and cooking some new recipes. I love it when my kids become independent cooks. And this recipe was really good. We all like cinnamon rolls and this makes them even easier. 

Finished and looking grand! 
Anna finally convinced Harold to come work with her at the Bar T-5. He of course enjoyed it. 

 Getting ready for dinnertime. Every day Anna cooks and cooks. She is learning new lessons and having a good experience again this summer. I must say it is a beautiful place to work. Anna was surprised and enjoyed working with Harold. All the girls swooned over the handsome newcomer. He won the respect of the boss's by doing what they said quickly and completely. Those lessons we worked and worked on have become cornerstones of what people really appreciate about him now. It is really nice to have some kids independent when we are still trying to teach responsibility and quality here at home with unwilling not understanding kids again and again year after year. But we just keep trying. Life is good.

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