Monday, June 10, 2024

6.10.24 Snaps

John and Mark cut each others hair. Oh boy summer hair short and too short. I looked back on the row the boys sit on in church and all I saw were brunette sons. After years of being the redheaded family this was bittersweet. I told Bruce from now on he will be the odd man out. How times and seasons change. 
We are sure thankful for the sweet cousins who add variety to our days and play. Myla and Lia. 
Andrea and Marilla double trouble at the curious 2 year old stage. 
Afton and Eloise. 
Aliza at a zone conference. I truly appreciate pictures showing small glimpses into her activities and goings on in the mission. I was happy to see her happy. They are working as a district to make the tallest spaghetti tower with string, tape, and spaghetti. 
Another farm picture taken as I worked the fields today. The cows enjoy the standing water pond we provide each year working to recharge the aquifer underground to provide pumpable water in the winter. 
I for these pictures from my handsome son. He works occasionally with Anna at the Bar T-5. 
This is the Harold I know when I think of him this would be the most accurate portrayal. 
Or this one come on mom stop! But I didn't take the pictures, I'm just thankful he shared them. 
He has no trouble keeping busy. He spends evenings country dancing. Teaching and enjoying polishing his dance and lift skills. 
All those years tossing little sisters seems to be paying off. 
More Reed and Andrea. 
Mom is not impressed with the super short hair but John is super happy with his new do. 

Lia the beautiful dreamer. She is so fun and sweet. 5 is a pretty nice age. 
And that's a wrap. Life is very full. Finally, with the trek kids gone, there has been some relaxing. We have more to do but the expectation of being ready for the next big thing is not as heavy today. They come home soon then it's the next thing and the next thing. Until then we will appreciate the calm before the next storm. Life is good. 

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