Sunday, June 2, 2024

6.2.24 John Temple

We are thankful for the continued support of the family. Our kids are blessed by many aunts and uncles who care about them and teach them to have fun, lighten up, be responsible, and marriage is enduring. These are the fun, Hawkins. They share their fun-loving hearts with us. Not to overlook the hours aunt Rachel gives with speeches and FFA contests helping my kids to improve. We appreciate their support and time. 
The grandparent team. Oh, how we are blessed by their faithful decisions. My mother-in-law pointed out your own wedding day is sweet and special. But even better are the days and times in the temple with your extended family. Taking my children to the temple to be endowed and to gain that protection and knowledge is priceless to me. Being there with the generations who taught and nurtured Greg and me and now our kids is even more invaluable. Each of these teaches lessons from the way they live to the time they give. We are so thankful for each one and the unique people they are. 
I've taken time to spend with just John lately. Oh, he's a good calm young man. I'm thankful many of my children have adopted the confidence of their father. I'm sure they will continue to bless and calm others they are around. That sure strength is a comfort and balm to those they are around. 
4 generations. So much could be said. I will just say I'm thankful for the choices made for many years to make this picture happen. From my mom's young insistence to go to church, to be married in the temple, and then working so hard to live her covenants. For her faith that called me and my grandmother to the temple. For my grandmother's lifelong work in genealogy, we only do family names. That means a lot to me that there is so much work to do to share or offer the blessings of the gospel to our family. The histories my dad records. The habit of temple attendance prepares my kids for making these covenants. The examples of generations of loyalty, working it out, being together, repenting, loving, and enduring. 
Three generations. John shares his middle name with Greg's dad. John has had many opportunities to work with Grandpa. He knows of his goodness and ability to get the job done no matter how long or hard. There is no impossible in this family. There is only figure it out and don't quit. That is a powerful lesson and confidence right there. The faith of Greg's dad that he would live and not perish even though he was sick and even his own father (Harold) thought he would possibly die. The exactness of Greg demanding things be done all the way correctly all the time. And the lesson to be happy. 

Our closest cousins and Aunt and Uncle. They are fun and welcoming. Uncle Bryce works with the young men in our ward. We are thankful for your patience and support. 

Time goes fast. With each generation, decisions lead much farther than we consider at the time they are made. I'm thankful for all those compounded years that led to this point. I'm thankful John was willing and ready to make this step and to receive this protection and invitation from God to know him more, to be more closely linked to Him. I told John I want you to have all the advantage you can against Satan. You keep living as you have and like the examples around you. Jesus Christ will win and overcome all these mortal battles and struggles. It is an honor to shepherd our family with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The fruits are good. We are thankful for all the help we get in this life from the family we can see and those on the other side of the veil from earth. Life is good. 

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