Thursday, June 27, 2024

6.27.24 Kids

Afton loved this book. Just like her siblings ahead of her the sweet story was engaging and creative. Now Afton wants to make some pie. Honestly, this book was a catalyst for Aliza's pie-making adventures. I wasn't on a diet or health journey then. How to balance? We will make pie, so she too can learn and gain new skills. 
Bruce in a hat he has adopted from John. He's really growing up and is a constant tease. Thus he gets more to do. 
Addie asks if we clean at all when she is gone. We spent time deep cleaning the kitchen this morning the picture is proof to her that yes we do in fact clean. 
More making Bruce strong work. 
Livy had girls camp and they made these shirts using bleach only. I was so impressed with her leaf imprint and her fancy writing. I was so worried about her being solo for 4 days but she did great. Made some choices to meet her personal needs and care for herself I was happy to hear about. She's growing up and her unique spin on life is a blessing. How we love our creative very observative Livy. 
Talking with Aliza who shared that she has a bed bug problem to solve now. She is capable and able to do anything required. It was hard to hear that she had this problem. But these are the last days and pestilence is just part of life. 
Addie is in Washington DC. The man in the middle accompanied the 3 kids and showed them how to get around. She has enjoyed seeing the sights. 
Merle is such a fun brother and so cool. 
Unpacking with Livy
Talking with Aliza. After dropping my phone in ranch dressing the speaker isn't working so well so we use the headphones and all is good. 
Gelato was a new taste experience that was very delicious. 
Super buddies Andrea and Millie. I'm so thankful for Millie's desire and choice to be responsible. She has been such a help with Andrea. 
One day I took the kids to pick up a bale that had exploded in the field. We fed the bale to these beauties. They were very happy with the extra feed. It is good to work with my kids even though it takes an extra dose of patience. 
We keep living the same experiences with slight variations. I'm so thankful to be a mom and to have the time and gift of being with them everyday. I love seeing them grow and develop. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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