Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6.26.24 Harold visit

Bruce picked up some chess sets from school. The kids love to take a few minutes and challenge each other to a game. Harold loves Chess as well and spent a few minutes teaching them some more ways to think about the game. He was gracious and let them have at least 6 moves before killing them completely.  
Addie had gone to the library last week and checked out a huge stash of books. The kids have spent many hours looking through the pages and reading the fun stories therein. This night Greg donned his hated reading glasses and read these girls a story. It's been a while since he has read to the kids they enjoyed it immensely. 
We got up early Father's Day to make pies for dessert. The girls all helped and I'm happy to report the pies were delicious and the girls great helpers. 
Millie loves coconut cream pie. Alia is always studying how to do what the older kids do. 
With all that cooking Livy was busy at the sink keeping us supplied with the dishes we needed. 
Addie worked on waffles for breakfast while we stirred and rolled and shaped the pies. 
Harold works to make friends with Andrea. She isn't 100% sure about him but does enjoy shoulder rides. 
My guys with their age spacing it's going to be a very long time until they all get together again after July 15. Part of me is super sad at that reality and the other is pleased with their choices.   They are quite the group and I'm thankful we have had each in our home. How we love and rely on the group of men. 
Father's Day at my mom's house. We try to snap a few more pictures these days as time is so fast and fleeting. I would say there are some strong resemblances. Funny but people always say these guys look like Greg's side of the family but here my mom definitely shares a lot of facial similarities. 
As fast as time flies it's good to take a minute and appreciate the beauty of each day. My kids are really good at noticing and taking pictures of sunsets. 

Ahh the beauty of a day's work well done. I love this hour of the day. All is well, safely gathered in, and fulfillment adds to the peace and cooling off of the summer days. 
Summer rolls on we are about out of June and into July all the camps have been attended and we have survived. Thakfully no major breakdowns, that's more July life. I'm immensely thankful while tinged with deep sadness that life is changing again soon. But we are well, and thus is the journey and progress of life to grow and move on. To shed old skin, habits, and locations, and adapt and learn in the next. Life is good and we are always blessed. 

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