Saturday, June 8, 2024

6.8.24 Memorial Day

Our 4-H club did the annual cemetery decorating. I love that these have become traditions. The opportunity to pause and walk around the cemetery placing crosses and flags isn't necessarily reverent but it is remembering. That's Memorial Day to remember those who have gone before. To remember the lives and sacrifices. I come from a long line of farmers. We fed the growing nation and literally built the land we love. A few went to war but most stayed home and provided the sustenance to keep the country moving ahead. 

The kids really enjoy the flags. This is a fun event we all look forward to.

I hadn't seen this grave marker before I loved the originality. These were made of cement, someone was very talented and crafted this. 
Addie worked with high schoolers who were completing an eagle project. 
The girls posing at the end. 

The group picture at the end. 
Monday was a beautiful Memorial day. James is taller than Grandma now. We enjoyed creating beautiful bouquets to decorate the graves. 

The kids know of David some know him better, but they were all impressed to see his headstone in place this year. So fitting for a special guy. 

New this year was the lovely horse lady with the flag. She was generous letting the kids pet her horse. 

The grandkids show remembrance to their cousin. 
His cousin age group. 
At lunch, these kids had a great time at grandmas new place. 
Reed enjoyed some time with the baby. He was totally willing to take a nap with her. I'm so thankful for kids who enjoy and are comfortable with babies and children. 
Man, his legs look long in this picture. He is really growing right now. We enjoyed the festivities and time together. Traditions are so important in developing identity and security. We are thankful for the many family times and ties that build that firmly in our children's lives. Life is so good and we are thankful for the many who have gone before and gave so much for the bounty that we enjoy today. 

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